Who's Running Where

Upcoming Political Series


Winston Salem State University


In Theaters December 4

For Goodness Sake

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North Carolina Central University

Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome To Wilsonian Voices

"To have an effective democratic society, citizens must actively participate in the process. The People must trust that their elected officials are acting as good stewards of public resources. This trust is hindered when The People can not verify the integrity of elected officials and their public agenda in the community. Additionally, integrity is compromised when citizens are not afforded sufficient opportunity to commentate on community issues that have a direct impact on their lives. Elected Officials who suppress public speech with unreasonable restrictions and free exchange of dialogue between themselves and their constituents show little regard for free speech and the public interest.”
Equally as important, any elected official, regardless of the capacity, who ignores correspondence from their constituents miss the mark of the very purpose for which they were selected at being a public servant."

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Time has Come Let Us Begin With All Our Voices Joining In

The Citizens of Wilson, North Carolina with particular interest
to those who continue to encounter and experience injustice, denial,
and disparity within our neighborhoods and communities have an
obligation to participate in the process of an easy exchange
of free speech with the elected officials of this city.
Your active participation is recommended and required.