Wilson County Democratic Party

    Asa Gregory, 
1st Vice
    Pat Fitch
2nd Vice
   Frank Emory
3rd Vice
   Nancy Hawley
   Barbara Dantonio

The 24 PRECINCTS via Congressional Districts

1st Congressional District Precincts
Precinct A, Precinct B, Precinct C, Precinct E, Precinct H, Precinct I, Precinct N, Precicnt Q, Precinct R, Gardners, Saratoga & Toisnot.
Congressman G.K. Butterfield represents the 1st District.

3rd Congressional District Precincts
Precinct D, Precinct J, Precinct K, Precinct L, Precinct M, Precinct P, Black Creek, Crossroads, Oldfields, Spring Hill, Stantonsburg & Taylors.
Congressman Walter B. Jones represents the 3rd District.

The Wilson Co DemParty is on Facebook
The Democratic Women of Wilson
1st Congressional District of the NC Democratic Party
3rd Congressional District of the NC Democratic Party