Wilson County Republican Party

County Chairman: Mr. Gary Proffitt
Email: gproffit@aol.com

Vice Chairman: Ms. Nora Williford
Email: nwilliford1@yahoo.com

County Secretary: Ms. Henrietta Pridgen
Email Address: sechdp@me.com

County Treasurer: Ms. Jean Fisher
Email Address: jeanf@waterguardinc.com

The 24 PRECINCTS via Congressional Districts

1st Congressional District Precincts
Precinct A, Precinct B, Precinct C, Precinct E, Precinct H, Precinct I, Precinct N, Precicnt Q, Precinct R, Gardners, Saratoga & Toisnot.
Congressman G.K. Butterfield represents the 1st District. 

3rd Congressional District Precincts 
Precinct D, Precinct J, Precinct K, Precinct L, Precinct M, Precinct P, Black Creek, Crossroads, Oldfields, Spring Hill, Stantonsburg & Taylors.
Congressman Walter B. Jones represents the 3rd District. 

The NC Republican Party
The Wilson NC GOP is on Facebook
1st Congressional District of the NC Republican Party
3rd Congressional district of the NC Republican Party
Take Back North Carolina Precinct Manual