Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Revisiting Wilson One Year Later - Chris Boykin FINALLY ... Resigns

Chris Boykin resigned. He did so amid controversy. A formal request by Gwen Wilkins and a formal petition from local citizens to the State Dem Party for his "immediate removal." What a sigh of relief. Finally, citizens of Wilson who wanted him out for "dereliction of his duties" in not abiding by the Dem party bylaws felt vindicated.

Boykin never did make a public statement on this issue. His ignoring the issue did not equate to its invisibility. Rather ignited the flame of frustration and highlighted his incompetence to effectively lead the local Dem party.

In his resignation letter to David Young, (then chair of the State Dem party), Boykin stated he disagreed with the petition sent to the State headquarters. He commented, "the petition filed on August 6, 2010, contains a number of inaccuracies, including the statement that I served as chairman of the Committee to re-elect Wayne Gay for Sheriff in the recent Democratic primary. That is untrue. I know the petition will be dismissed upon the receipt of this letter, but I wanted you to know the truth."

Yet, he never denied the violations outlined in the letter. And he never offered the local Dem party nor the Citizens of Wilson the opportunity to be told the truth of why he allowed things to unfold as they did. His exit left the need to fill the vacant position. A special meeting of the local Dem party was called on August 28, 2010.

And for those who opposed the action of the citizens who wrote the letter & their interraction in the events of that day, here's a message especially for you - Read It & Take Notes.