NC General Assembly

The North Carolina General Assembly is the state legislature of the State of North Carolina. The General Assembly drafts and legislates the state laws of NC, also known as the General Statutes.
The general assembly is a bicameral legislature which simply means it a legislature that consists of two houses or chambers. The NC House of Representatives has 120 members and the NC Senate has 50. Their are no term limits for either chamber.

The Legislators in both chambers serve two-year terms. Starting with the 2002 election, each legislator represents a single-member House or Senatorial district; prior to 2002, some districts elected multiple legislators.

The General Assembly meets in the state capital of  Raleigh, NC (except for special occasions, when legislators might decide to hold a ceremonial session in some other city).

The North Carolina House of Representatives

The NC House Chambers

The NC House of Representatives
The House of Representatives consists of 120 members who serve a term of two years. The presiding officer of the House of Representatives is the Speaker of the House. The Speaker is elected by the members from their membership for a two-year term. The Speaker’s duties include maintaining order in the House and appointing members to the House standing committees.

Thom Tillis - Speaker of the House
View the NC House Members
View the Members Reports & Contact Info


The North Carolina State Senate

The Senate Chambers

The NC State Senate
The Senate consists of 50 members who serve a term of two years. The Lieutenant Governor is President of the Senate and presides over the daily session. The Lieutenant Governor is elected by the citizens of North Carolina for a four-year term. He/she has no vote in the Senate except to break a tie. The Senate elects officers from their membership including the President Pro Tempore.

Phil Berger - President Pro Tempore
View the NC Senate Members
View the Senate Members & Contact Info