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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Filing Period Ends

The filing period ends at 12 noon today for those seeking political offices in the 2012 elections. As a friendly reminnder for folks who constantly complain about local elected officials within their districts... TODAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS. IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS! IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS! (see the video below.) IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS!

Man Hit by Amtrak Train

A man was hit by an Amtrak passenger train near Barnes St. in Wilson on Tuesday night. He was still alive on the scene as the ambulance carried him to WilMed. He was expected to be airlifted to Greenville. He suffered severe head injuries. The rail was enroute to Florida from Virginia.

Source: Wilson Times

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Definition of Complacency

Step Up

Who has yet to file?
Please come forward and identify yourself.

As of this writing, we hear DISTRICT 2 INCUMBENT (Gwen Burton) needs an opponent. Word on the street is - if the lady that ran against her the last time around - is still around, there are those who will ensure - this time around, YOU WON'T LOSE! PROMISE.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Time To Make the Doughnuts!

Politically Speaking . . . It's Time We Get Back to Work!

Octavia Spencer - The Help

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S . . .
Octavia Spencer poses with her award for best supporting actress for "The Help" during the 84th Academy Awards on Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012, in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles.
(AP Photo/Joel Ryan)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Senator Runs for Lt. Governor

"I'm running for Lt. Governor because, right now, North Carolina needs new voices and broad perspectives as we emerge from the toughest economic times in 70 years. Moving forward, we need to ensure that we create opportunity that leads to prosperity for families both today and in the future. To succeed, we will need to embrace new ideas, make tough choices and elect leaders who will fight for them."

Friday, February 17, 2012

Images of Love

Hate Michelle Obama, You'll Love This