Friday, October 21, 2011

Author E.D Arrington Speaks Out About Obama

President Obama's short time in office has opened the door to knowledge I did not have. For the first time I paid close attention and not only did I see clearly how much political stonewalling there is in Congress, but I better understand the processes the men and women we elect to the House of Representatives and the Senate use to get nothing done or to have their way.  Yes, I sincerely want "change I can believe in", but no one man can make it happen. While our country is in one of its worst economic struggle, that started years ago and will take many years to undo, I came to realize that our biggest mistake was to think a change in the presidency was the answer.

This country has a President who has demonstrated time and time again, to my exhaustion, his willingness to work with democrats, republicans, and independents. President Obama has worked diplomatically with leaders of any country, called for the execution of highly sensitive and dangerous matters...i.e., the take-down of Osama bin Laden, all while hosting public events without a hint of the magnitude of what was happening behind the scenes. Yes, "behind the scenes," our President works hard to get a lot done.

I have supported President Obama from the beginning, while he was popular young senator who didn't have a chance, during the crying and cheering after his election, and when the criticism was being heaped. I have cheered and cried for him.

These past few years, I have learned too much about the viciousness of the men and women elected to Congress and handed the powerful responsibility for creating and passing "fair" legislation that will strengthen this nation. And I watched too closely how this Congress is ready to bring the American people to the brink of financial ruin, and willing to jeopardize their own re-election, for the sake of destroying this presidency.

My friends, I will support the re-election of President Obama for many reasons, but the most important reason is because his presidency has made me older and wiser.

What I believe is in the best interest of this country and all Americans is consistency in leadership. President Obama has had a few years to grapple with the many issues facing this country. He has begun diplomatic relationships with leaders in some of the most difficult countries; and he has an understanding of what has worked, why it didn't work, and what more needs to be done to get our great country headed down the right path.

A new president would have to start from the beginning, and that we cannot afford. In 2012, the "change" I submit that we so desperately need is a new Congress. We need people, men and women, who get it...that their job isn't to sell books, plan for re-election, and destroy the presidency of the opposing party. We need politicians on the Hill who are capable and willing to work with the President of the United States regardless of party affiliation, because their purpose is to serve the American people...all people...and to do what is in the best interest of this country.

That is the lesson I have learned while watching President Obama, my president, serve the best nation in the world. All we need in order to realize that "change we can believe in," are congresspeople who are not stuck in the old, kill or be killed, ways of doing business. So, while we're re-electing President Obama, if you really want change that we can believe in, "Change the face of Congress."

Taken from a message posted in the "Dem-Den" to fellow Democrats on FB