Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Forum Tonight Featured Bruce Rose

THE QUESTION TONIGHT IS . . . WHY WOULD YOU VOTE FOR BRUCE ROSE?  (If you care to participate) Is it because of his leadership, his generosity, his integrity, his fairness, his ability to serve the people?

Rose appeared at what was deemed an open forum meeting tonight at the Islamic Community Development Center on Barnes Street. We would have shared a portion of what he had to say, but the Old Boy objected to being filmed and we were asked to shut our camera off. Interesting. So, as not to create a scene in a sacred place we obliged.

That escapade of objection, didn't win any brownie points for Mr. Mayor. Matter of fact he just lost a couple and more to come if we can persuade a few more. We'll let his own words and past actions speak for itself. The days of handing over a vote is over. You gotta work for what you want. That includes this election. So work for your vote.

PS... We'll also be sharing what he wanted to hide in not allowing the cameras to roll. It starts with his "heart" as he put it for African American black males in the community. Yep. That's what he said. They need help.

Hmmm... that sounds like somebody that's trying to get elected. Ahhh...how long have you been mayor? What's the reason you're so interested now in the status the young black males in this community? Moreso . . . if you're soooo concerned why wouldn't you allow a citizen's request to appear on the agenda at a City Council meeting to discuss a similar matter concerning the youth? Cause the rhetoric you spew is "B.B". (Bogus B.S.)(B.S. = toro poo-poo). Just in case you didn't know.