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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ann Romney

Video Courtesy - WRAL TV

It Ain't Over

Sure, there's been other news in Wilson since we last posted and we'll get to sharing some of that real soon. However, until such time as that happens...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

No Puppy Love Here

Wayne Gay and Ellis Williford. 
Wilson's own version of the 'Dyanmic Duo'. (Now dispersed.)
The Sheriff & the County Manager. Wilson County (NC).

You've got to remember that story back in Novemebr 2010 when we first learned just how much money they both were making. Just in case you forgot here you go. Pay Hikes & Politics.    Even to this day, its a hot topic of discussion around town.

Well Folks, they're at it again on the opposite side of the fence. A lot like county cousins arguing over who got what and whose side of the property are you on. (LOL) Hey Bubba, watch yo' foot.

And you've gotta wonder, if one man is envious of the other. Off pure observation, he's wanted what he had, and now tha the has it. ... he's still complaining & squealing like a you know what that the other is now a politician (not a friend) who sucked one party dry (ouch, what a jab!) and has now gone to another...  (sound effects) In the voice of the teacher at Charlie Brown's school - wonk wonk...wonk, wonk, wonk.

This all started after the cancelled County Commissioners meeting Monday night. Residents are fed up with the county not adequately addressing the need for a new animal shelter and the fees/taxes paid by pet owners in the county. The brouhaha spilled over into a shouting match where Williford evetnually told a man to 'kiss his butt.' on top of that he brought up Wayne Gay, ex Wilson County Sheriff of 28 years in the midst of the verbal exchange. Oh, what a night. And a mess.

Here's an excerpt from the Wilson Times article / Reporter - Janet Conner-Knox


Animal advocate Max Fitz-Gerald went back to the topic of the advisory committee having a plan that they thought was agreed upon.

“I was on the committee with Wayne Gay and we never would have proposed those fees had we known it was not going to be used for two reasons we wanted it to be used for, one a new shelter and two a spay and neuter program,” Fitz-Gerald said.

“When Sheriff Gay came back to the advisory committee, he said Ellis told me that the fees could not be earmarked for a specific item. Well I find out later from the county attorney, that’s a lie — that the fees can be earmarked by county commissions for anything they want it to go for.” 

Williford responded.

The first issue you need to think about is, did I say that? Or did Wayne say I said that,” Williford questioned. “Because let’s remember who we are talking about here. This man sucked the Democratic party dry, and now he’s a Republican. He is the consummate politician.”

Williford said he is not calling Gay a liar, but a politician.

The issue also got around to Williford’s controversial salary with its five-figure raise several years ago, which followed a raise for former Sheriff Gay.

“You don’t have the right to make the most money just because you are the supervisor,” Uhas said.

“Oh yes I do. Oh yes I do,” Williford said. “Yes sir I do. In this organization, I do. I do.”

“If Wayne Gay hadn’t got that raise, I would have never asked for a dime.”

Photo Credit: Wilson Times Archives

Friday, July 13, 2012

No Dog in This Fight, The Flip Side

While animal rights activists were confronting Ellis Williford Monday, the next day the local headline read, 'Two charged with dog fighting'. Go Figure, right. 

The newspaper article stated, "One dog’s jaws looked as if they were locked on the other dog’s face. The more aggressive dog looked as if he were tearing the face off of the other dog.  Voices of people could be heard laughing out of the eye of the camera. Then two people appeared with sticks to pry the dogs’ mouths apart."

According to the Wilson Times, Wilson County Deputies had warrants for four suspects. Two of the four have been arrested.

Digusting and despicable doesn't even begin to express the outrage of such behavior in this community when it comes to that kind of cruelty to animals. The malicious acts of breeding and training dogs with the intent to pit them against another dog to fight is inhumane. For those engaging in such activites, their involvement speaks volumes about the caliber and character of such an individual. If you have no regard and respect for an animal, more likely you have none for a human either. It translate. Just like that.

On the flip side - were the roles reversed, in the sense, they... (those who advocate dog fightin') were being savagly abused in the same like manner would they want compassion and intervention. Or instinctively, just fight unto death of one or the other. Didn't Michael Vick just walk this walk?

And...BTW, this isn't a racial thing. You know, how some folks want to make it along racial lines and pit one race against another when it comes to the culture of a particular race. The race card has no color here regardless of who and/or what you are. . .

LISTEN UP,  dog  fightin', cock fightin' and any other activity that abuses animals is heartless and atrocious. If you're a participant and a spectator. So are you.

We have no dog in the fight, per se, but we do know wrong from right.
What happened here is just...WRONG!

(Photo: Gray Whitley/Wilson Times)

Where's The Money

Story Credit: News 14 Carolina Reporter Rebecca Fath reports the following;

WILSON, N.C.--Tension between animal rights advocates and the Wilson County Board of Commissioners is at a fever pitch after Monday night's meeting was canceled. But the county manager says the around $500,000 was put in the general fund and has already been spent to upkeep animal control.

"When I put together a recommended budget each year, a new shelter is so low on the priority list it never reaches my radar. We need sheriffs cars, we need radios,” said Wilson County Manager Ellis Williford.

"I'm feeling a little angry, disappointed, lied to, used. I'm just a bundle of emotions right now because I believe in my animals,” said Wilson resident Amanda Perry.

Animal rights advocates say they'll continue to fight for a new shelter, and they plan to continue attending board of commissioners meetings to have their voices heard.

(Follow the News 14 Carolina video link)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ellis Williford in the Doghouse

Where are the donations? 

Yep, here we go again. No they don’t remember. No one told me. Animal shelter, what animal shelter? Max, I know that you can hardly believe all this misunderstanding of Animal Shelter funds. Last year I gave my birthday gift of $200 (wrote for new animal shelter on the check). I wonder if that money went into a general fund?   Are all of you animal advocates going to demand that money that has been collected already be put back where it was intended? The animals can’t speak for themselves, so we people who so love them have to do it. It’s a fight too.

I have lived all over these United States and overseas, too and, I have never seen animal advocates have to fight so hard for the poor animals in their county. Since I sent my $200.00 check to the sheriff’s office, I’m curious as to which general fund that money went.

I had hoped that a lot of other donations would have been given so we could get the new shelter by now. What a shame. 

Concerned Citizen
Ann Pittman                                                            

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

OMG, Ellis Williford - Did You Say That

The headline is in quotations... that means its an actual quote made by the individual. The local newspaper reads ..."Kiss My Butt." Who in the world said that and to whom did they say it. Come to find out it was Ellis Williford speaking to another Wilsonian in what looks like an exchange of differing opinion concerning the treatment of animals in Wilson County.

Evenso, does that validate the County Manager to speak with such rhetoric to a citizen of this county?
Read the article for yourself. Here's the link 'Kiss My Butt.'
Photo Courtesy: Brad Coville / WilsonTimes