Every once in a while you've just gotta cut one loose. 'Cause, you'll bust a gut holding that shi'diggity in. And it ain't worth that contamination in your system.
Thom Tillis is one prejudice jerk ... Yeah, I know. And there is nothing honorable about what he's doing either. And for those of you who certified him by casting your vote for him, you reap what you sow.
There's no logical reason for Tillis not supporting a native daughter of North Carolina for a prestigious position in Washington, DC. His ass ain't even from here himself...BUT it's ok for him to represent this State as a US Senator, BUT NOT ok for Loretta Lynch to represent as the US Attorney General. Considering the platform he's putting forth.
So, Thom Tilly (as the lady called you back during the general elections), who's really committed fraud when announcing to the public in 2013 that the NC Voter ID Law REALLY didn't have too much to do with fraud at all. Remember, YOU SAID THAT back on MSNBC. Look, Remember.
And then, Thom Tilly, had the nerve to say he'd pass legislation where restaurant workers didn't need to wash their hands. Oh, REALLY! You remember saying that Ole Thommy-Boy. You gotta, you just recently said it and Jon Stewart has now bequeathed you a new name... Senator Dung-Hands von Fecal-Fingers. Now, ain't that some shi'diggity.
During the 2014 general election, Thom Tilly, came to Wilson County and spent a couple days, meeting with his constituents and eating over at Amy Jo's Country Restaurant. Local GOP were elated having Tillis in town. Now, that he's been elected, Thom Tillis is currently thanking the citizens of Wilson who voted for him by sponsoring legislation that will nullify state municipal broadband laws. Right after the FCC ruled it was ok for Wilson to sell high speed internet outside the city limits. Giving Wilson the greenlight for its broadband project called GreenLight. Don't believe it. Read It.
Thom Tilly went to Washington and told Wilson,
chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, Spit.
Dang, Senator, Dung . . .
folks who voted for you back home really stepped in it, h'uh.
CHECK THIS OUT ...from a Thom Tilly voter thinking about changing his mind.
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