Wednesday, November 3, 2010

There's A NEW Sheriff in Town

WOODARD 16,488 - FARMER 9,377

*Photo - file Wilson Times


Anonymous said...

Oh, please...not more change! Don't you know that word scares a lot of people these days? This is all much ado about nothing. Sheriff of Wilson? That and $0.75 will buy you a soda.

Anonymous said...

Well lets see if Detective Bass still hasa job in January, then we wil know if this "change" is real or just more lip service. Lets give the new sheriff a chance. There has been enough written about Bass and his conduct, that we all know our new Sheriff has to have heard about it. The proof is there, it just depends on if he is willing to look for it or ask the right people what they knoow. I am willing to wait and see.....Mr. Woodard inherited a department that has some very big problems, let's remember they are not of his doing. He was not not in charge when the shenanigans were taking place in the detective's building. But it happened, and there is proof if he looks. I hope he has the morals I believed he has when I voted for him. He has a lot of people beieveing in him. A lot of people will be watching to see what happens around this one thing. I hope Mr. Woodard or someone on his staff makes sure he reads this and acts on it. It isn't going to go away, not until it is made right.

Anonymous said...

I agree, let's give Calvin a chance. He hasn't even taken office yet so let's dont blame him for problems in he WCSD yet. Give him a chance, it did not get to be a corrupt office in a day, and he will nt fix it in a day. We all know key things that need to be addressed. Lets give him time to get settled in and start the process.

Anonymous said...

@ the oh please anonymous...seriously what's your problem? Are you angry Woodard won? Is it displaced criticism about Obama since you referenced change...Your thoughts are cynical and sarcastic. Your tone bitterness. Woodard won. Fair and square, He'll be taking office soon and we're sure he'll do the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. CHANGE has come. AND Wilsonians who voted for him believe in the change with him. Let's give the man a chance to walk through the door, get inside the building and into his office, sit down and assess the situation before we start talking about what he will or will not do. Enough said. And if you can't get with that...there's something wrong with you not the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Calvin's ideas and plans are totally unrealistic. One of his original ideas to have deputies go to the homes of suspended students to check that they are there caused all of my teacher colleagues to fall out laughing. His inexperience and naivete have me worried about the future of Wilson County.

To the Anonymous who likes to cut and paste and hear themself repeat themself said...

Here's one back to you. You said the same thing on the other blog post. What's up with that? So since you need to repeat yourself we don't mind doing our part in helping you to get it and get it good. So one more time for the slow teacher who rides the short bus to school camouflaged in a car.

Yeah...they said the same about others and were proven wrong too. Reminds me of the stories we hear associated with ...let's see the guy who had the apple fall on top of his head, the fellow who flew a kite in a storm, the fellow who was told to build an ark before it started to rain and that gray head fellow who came up with this E=mc2 stuff...pretty sure they had their share of folks laughing at them too. Lest we remind you teacher and your fellow cohorts..he who laughs know the rest! ROFLMAO!You geniuses think you know it all...humm ...if that be the case the question is teacher...why is it we don't see your name or some of your friends' names beside Wilson Co Sheriff Elect? Surely, you all would enjoy that kind of salary versus what you're probably making now. Talk that smack amongst yourselves - nobody HERE wants to HEAR it.

Here's an added bonus...if you weren't concerned enough about the actions of the previous administration and not worried about possible revenue the school system could have been receiving your worriation concerning Mr. Woodard is in vain. Rest your brain. No wonder the Wilson school system is in the shape it's in. Folks like you do the kids and the parents no favors imparting your illogical views.

Anonymous said...

Lts wait and see. give Calvin benifit of doubt. If Detective Bass has a job come end of January we know its same old crap just a different day. There is too much evidence that this did happen and the powers in charge knew of it. Enough has been written so that Calvin has to have heard of it, if nothing is done then his actons (or lack of) will tell us.

Joel Killion said...

Congratulations Sheriff-elect Woodard! Proud of you. God bless you sir, and your family.