Thursday, January 27, 2011

Peaceful Protest Rally Planned on Friday

From time to time, Wilsonians find it necessary to gather themselves in front of the Wilson County Courthouse steps to draw attention to a community cause or civic contribution in hopes of bringing awareness concerning local issues. On Friday, January 28th around 8:15am, Lisa Whitley, is planning such a rally at the courthouse steps for a peaceful protest and a call for stricter laws regarding drunk drivers in Wilson County.

Whitley, suffered the loss of her daughter, Nikki Whitley in June of last year to a drunk driver. Amy Sullivan was also killed in the accident. Whitley wants tighter laws on the books and is proposing a law that addresses how DWI cases are handled locally. She states "what happened to her daughter and Amy could happen to anyone at any time. Day or night." There must be something in place where citizens know judges, district attorneys and laws are in place to protect the people. "That's why we need Nikki's law."

Proposed Components for Nikki's Law:

1. First time DWI will result in a $500 fine and 30 days in jail, no exceptions
2. On second DWI an alcohol assessment is done.
3. After one DWI charges can't be reduced or dismissed
4. DWI registry
5. After multiple DWIs, actually The City of Wilson & Wilson County can be/ should be held accountable for those who are hurt of killed by the offender.

* For more information, Go to Facebook and Support Nikki's Law


Anonymous said...

About 20 people gathered in front of the Wilson County Courthouse Friday morning to show their support for Nikki's Law -- a movement to strengthen North Carolina's DWI laws.