Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In Remembrance of Mrs. Hattie Daniels

When I Remember the Month of May, I always remember my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Hattie  Daniels and her daughter, Baby Ruth. On this last day of May, before the eve turns to morn, I must take the time to reminisce if only for a moment of fonder days gone by. This story is one I've wanted to share way before now, but time has a way of "getting away." 

The month of May always brings back memories of my days in Kindergarten. Seemed like I spent forever in Kindergarten back then. I know at least three years. And what I loved most about the month of May was wrapping the "Maypole."

All those beautiful strips of color dangling from this gigantic pole in the playground area just waiting for us to grab a piece and wrap it around the pole. We were positioned in a circle around the pole. Some going in one direction, the rest in another. And on her mark of here we go - our faces lit up and the excitement began. We're going to wrap the "Maypole." What fun that day would bring each year the 1st Day of May. Perhaps if you attended Mrs. Daniels' school you too, recall those "Maypole days." Long gone are those days, but the memories linger on and how beautiful are they to share. I'll always remember the month of May and the best Kindergarten Teacher ever.

PS... No, I have never known "Baby-Ruth's" real name. And No. I don't want anyone to share it if they do. The opportunity came up a couple years ago and in her presence someone was about to say; But she cut them off and told them, " No you don't. She's always known me as "Baby-Ruth" and that's what I'll always be." Cherished memories, I'll never forget. I love you, "Baby-Ruth."

Community Blogger: Zette McArn