Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Who You Calling "They" - Debbie Yow

Early in the wee hours of the morning today, I was awaken to a News 14 Carolina promo that featured Debbie Yow making the following comment, "You care about them, they care about you and they just couldn't figure it out. My first thoughts were who is she referring to as "they." I was curious to know.

Thought to myself, I know she's not talking about Sidney Lowe using the terminology "they." She must be talking about the basketball team as a whole. Then, my thoughts turned to her comment being taken out of content. At that point, I knew I had to hear the press conference for myself in its entirety.

Well, I finally got the chance to see the press conference this afternoon. In its entirety. And she wasn't referencing the basketball team. Yow's "they" was referring to Sidney Lowe.

The Excerpt: Press Conference Debbie Yow on Sidney Lowe  03/15/2011
Also, I just want to say how much I appreciate his efforts over the last five years. I wasn’t here for all five of the years, but I’ve been watching from afar because of my association with the Wolfpack family through the Yow family and through Kay. I do appreciate what he did. I think it’s challenging for any person who tries hard to reach a certain goal and fails to meet that goal over a certain period of time. It's the worst possible situation, because you care about them and they care about you, and they just weren’t able to figure it out."  Kay Yow

You can say what you want . . . but back in the day my mom taught us you do not refer to another individual as "They". She would have been quick to ask who you calling "they" and especially if one of my siblings was referring to another. "They" has a a name and it's not "they." You call them by their name not "they." And you dared not defy her - you just changed your tune real quick and get it right.

With all the "amicable" salutations (They), oops, I mean (SHE) shared with the press yesterday, certainly (They), I mean (Yow) could have phrased that comment in a more positive light setting a different tone than what we're left with. And though the handwriting was on the wall where Lowe was concerned and I completely agree a change had to come, (They) I mean (SHE) really could have left sarcasm out of it. Regardless of whether (They) could figure it out or not. He had resigned. He was out. Nothing more needed to have been said. Like now.

Courtesy - Photo Chris Seward & Video NBC 17