Monday, August 22, 2011

Chemical Plant Decision Delayed...Why

Unlike when Sanderson Farms wanted to bring a poultry plant to the region, Mayor Bruce Rose is not purposing a resolution that would keep chemicals out of the backyards of Wilson residents. Instead, he's announced the rezoning request for a proposed chemical plant will be delayed 30 days supposedly at the request of the company's owners.The question is why?

Texas based Pencco Inc., represented by Brian Wodetzki asked for the delay to address concerns raised by citizens. The explanation given is Wodetzki plans to spend his time talking with residents.
He claims some folks have asked for additional information and he wants to make sure he gets it to them and all of their questions are answed. Interesting enough, but we're still asking the question
WHY? There have already been several public meetings and neighborhood association meetings addressing the concerns of the residents and the conversation and information has become repetitive and remains the same.

The company had asked for a rezoning change of the old S.T. Wooten site over on Park Ave., which lies in the midst of the Daniel Hill community. A substance known as ferric sulfate and ferrous sulfate would be manufactured. These chemicals are used to treat water and wastewater.

Robert Edmondson, owner of the automotive shop across from the proposed site expressed disappointment that a decision was not made at Thursday's city council meeting.

Neighborhood association leader, JoAnn Daniels said the delay will give more time to gather more information to research the effects the chemicals would have on the community and the city.

Well it seems, Ms. Daniels, the city's elected officials should take a more active role in helping you and the resident to assess the matter in the same like manner as they handled the chicken poulty plant initiative. After all, they had forums and experts assemble who discussed such effects the chickens coming would have on the city and the water. They made a dcoumentary, broadcasted it on cable news networks across the nation and even put up a million bucks to go in partnership with Nash county residents who were opposed to Sanderson Farms bringing a chicken plant to their particualr area. And the kicker is the poultry plant wasn't sitting in anyone's backyard, front yard or recreational park area. It was a few miles down the road a piece.

It seems only fair and logical they would do the same thing in this case it being these are dangerous chemicals they're talking about bringing within the city limits and in the middle of a neighborhood and other businesses such as the automotive company and the radio station, WLLY.

It doesn't matter how many times Mr. Wodetzki repeats over and over and over again about how the process won't create an odor or how the actual process will be contained in such a way there will be no public health risk - (as if these are the only concerns in the manufacturing of these chemicals) the citizens are not comfortable with such a plant being forced upon them in their backyards and placed within their community.

Bottomline is they do not want it in their community just like those folks didn't want a chicken processing plant a couple miles from their homes. So what's the difference or do we already know without having to go there!?! Environmental racism and unequal protection. Livng proof is the evidence.

Elected city officials especially those up for re-election soon should be listening loud and clear to the voices of the people instead of encouraging them to objectively evaluate the situation and their positions - what the heck does that mean anyway?


Anonymous said...

It's delayed becuase they think that community is a bunch of ignorant people with no money to get the help they need.

Anonymous said...

It was delayed because The Mayor didn't want to break the tie with absent council members. He is up for reelection and is hoping no one will remember the fact that he has never, never voted with the African American council members in the event of a tie. But runs from church to church on the east side telling folks how much he loves them. I think the jig is up for you Mr. Mayor and about time...about time.