Saturday, July 31, 2010

Opinion: A Disservice to Democratic Party

Wilsonian Voice, Barbara M Dantonio said; Calvin Woodard is the Democratic Candidate and deserves to be supported by the Democratic Party of Wilson County. Calvin’s courage and vision for Wilson County is one to be admired and supported by his party. It has been nearly three months since Calvin won. Mr. Boykin is doing a great disservice to the Democratic voters in Wilson County by not stepping down since it is apparent he is not supporting Calvin. If he is not supporting Calvin by his works and deeds, it is very apparent who he is supporting. You can support whom ever you want but not as the party chairman. It is your civic duty and responsibility to support who your party elected for the position of sheriff. Did you really think that the citizens of Wilson County were going to overlook this discretion? I think that was clearly stated in the newspaper today. Do the right and honest thing, Mr. Boykin, step down.
Source: Wilson Times online comments section


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't post anything if I couldn't write in proper English. It tends to make people think you aren't very intelligent. For example, the uses of "who" and "whom" leave much to be desired, and "discretion" is a good must have meant "indiscretion."

Doesn't Matter What Others Say said...

Well said Barbara. Thanks for sharing. Indeed what Boykin is doing is a disservice to the party. And it's not a matter of him not knowing that rather an intentional act on his behalf.

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing Boykin, Gay and JHF are devising a plan that would deplete the sheriff's budget should Woodard get the job there would would be little for him to operate the department. Wonder if that has anything to do with why Boykin has not stepped down. AND IT ALSO MAKES YOU WONDER IF HE'S FOLLOWING THE ORDERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY DIXIECRATS WHO THINK THEY CONTROL THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE IN THIS TOWN!

Anonymous said...

It you want to see some really bad grammar then go to John Farmer's sites. His grammar is terrible. I guess you will say he is not very intelligent either after reading his sites. This must be a diversion for you since you know what Barbara said was true. And by the way, it is not about grammar, it is about the truth. Shame on you Mr. Boykin for not stepping down. It is the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Tally Ho ... Boykin had to go!