Monday, June 6, 2011

All Things Republican with a cup of Tea

Local "Republican Residents" and Tea Party-People alike appear to have had a ball over the weekend as they attended the NCGOP Convention in Wilmington. By all accounts, the trip and the convention was a great success.

NC GOP chair, Robin Hayes introduced the keynote speaker incoming Congressman Allen West serving since January 2011. West is the first African American Republican Congressman from Florida since 1876.

The Congressman opened by saying he couldn't decide what color tie to wear red, (NCSU), black and gold,(WF) so it boiled down to what shade of blue. You'll have to watch the video to find out which he decided. 

A special message via video welcoming the delegates anad attendees was played featuring 2012 hopeful Michele Bachmann. 

Video Courtesy: Youtube/NCGOP