Monday, June 20, 2011

Reggie Brown No Republican Clown

Preface: The Republican Leadership conference was designed to showcase the top republican leaders and their ideology for the country. The topics of discussion limited government, fiscal responsibility and rebuilding the economy. But before they got down to business they invited an entertainer for the opening ceremony.

The Republican crowd chuckled and cackled when the jokes were all about Obama. It was funny stuff when he commented that his favorite month of the year was February as Michelle celebrated the whole month and he only half.

The crowd found it hilarious when he said he had his team of experts use the latest computer technology to predict what he and Michelle would look like at the end of his first term.  The result showed a picture of Fred Sanford and Aunt Ester with her fists set in a boxing mode. But when the invited Obama impersonator flipped the script and started talking about Barbara Bush, Romney, Gingrich and Pawlenty...not so much.

ROTFLMAO  That’s what you get. Here's a snippet of the video.
It was fair game when you weren’t the butt of the jokes. When the heat got a little too hot in the “KITCHEN”, Republicans asked the “Commander-in-Chief”… oops, we mean the Chef-of-this- “Comical Concoction” to leave. The smell of “burnt-roast” must have filled the air. What a stench.
THE FALLOUT: Embarrassment & A Bad Idea.
Whatever it was the Republicans intended to accomplish by inviting this guy - backfired.  
Now, to put a slant on the situation, Republicans want to argue the point the impersonator crossed the line. They claim they would have yanked him earlier if they’d known the direction he was going…
Yeah Right. You didn’t. You allowed it to go for a while and it was funny stuff. So deal with it. Besides, you folks extended the invite. The question is . . . what exactly did you have in mind when you asked him speak?

The content he presented is along the same line of material used for skits on SNL. It’s in your face and matter-of-fact.  The fact is you figured you’d get a black face that looked like Obama at your conference whom you thought would spoof and insult the President of the United States. You got tricked.  No race card played here.  Just good-old fashioned modern-day satire. The kind that reached backed and smack you upside the head and you didn’t see it coming ‘tll you felt it.

So stop your whining. It’s a done deal now.

Photo Courtesy: AP