Monday, June 6, 2011

Not the Tortoise & the Hare

It’s angered many. Disturbed some. Even "tickled" a few. It’s the talk on the street. The main topic of conversation on the phone … The Sheriff and the Judge.

"It’s a mess I tell you," said one neighbor to another. "What in the world is going on?" Well, it’s a little more than boyish antics found on the schoolyard and the community …Not So Much …  approves of the scuffle.

The new sheriff in town and the resident superior court judge, as he’s been described are at odds with one another. The center of the discord is the release of an inmate. Superior Court Judge Milton "Toby" Fitch believes an inmate was held in detention longer than he should have been.

As it's been reported, Sheriff Calvin Woodard was summoned (not literally) to the courthouse to address the issue. The two exchanged conversation, accusations assailed and at the end of it all, Sheriff Calvin Woodard is requesting the NC State Attorney General's office to come Wilson and investigate the matter of whether or not the inmate was intentionally and unlawfully falsely imprisoned.

And that move, on the Sheriff's part might not be such a bad idea.

We’ll all know for sure soon enough, what the outcome will be. Nothing to do now, but sit back and wait. Whether you agree or disagree. Patience must have her perfect work in an imperfect world. 

Let’s all pray when the dust settles, it’ll be for the good of this community – Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else. 

Photo Courtesy: Wilson Times


Anonymous said...

Judge Fitch is a disgrace. Just go to his courtroom and watch him eat nabs on the bench and belittle near about everyone who comes near him.

Anonymous said...

We got rid of Gay and repaced him with a honerable man. (Woodard) maybe Judge Finch should take a lesson from Gay and remember how he got in office and how he can be removed! I think Mr Woodard has much more support in Wilson than Mr, Finch!


Anonymous said...

I must admit I have never seen a judge eat while on duty on the bench. Not even on TV. That's awful.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is Fitch told Woodard he was gonna lock him up in his own jail. Woodard told him needed to quit playing. In the paper Woodard said it sounded like the judge had a personal issue of some kind going on with this particular case. It does make you wonder what's up with that. Especially if what's said in the street about the judge and his dealings with the drug dealers has any truth to it. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Judge Fitch seems to have something personal going with everyone. He is a bully of the worst kind.

K. Real said...

As a former law enforcement officer it is my belief that Judge Fitch exceeded his positional authority. I am doing my own investigation into this travisty of justice, some times even judges exceed their authority. Some one said "absolute authority corrupts absolutely" and I believe the judge did in this case. Sheriff Woodard has my complete support in this matter. K Real.

Kudos Sheriff Woodard said...

Brilliant decision to call in an unbiased 3rd party to investigate this situation. Hopefully, this will result in disciplinary actions being brought against Judge Fitch's unprofessional behavior, and it will also show where the deficiencies in the legal system resides in Wilson County. Since moving to Wilson in 2007, I have heard hundreds of stories regarding the illegal activities associated with the Sheriff's Department; however, Sheriff Woodard has obviously taken this seriously and brought about change. Now it is time to get the judicial system cleaned up. It is beyond outrageous that people who commit reprehensible crimes receive slaps on the wrists from the bench and are not embarrassed publicly like Judge Fitch subjected Sheriff Woodard.
It seems like Judge Fitch is on a power trip that makes him believe his rulings and edicts are far superior to North Carolina statutes. This could explain why the court system here is so messed up. I hope and pray that the Attorney General brings Judge Fitch up for Judicial Review and/or begins proceedings to have him removed from the bench. It is truly sad when a judge does not know the law.

Anonymous said...

Never been in his courtroom but if its how folks are saying don't think I wanna. How has he been allowed to do what he does for so long? Is he an African American version of Wayne Gay? Untouchable. Unstoppable. Unmovable. yeah right.

Anonymous said...

Woodard has done wonders to cleanup a corrupt department, from things disapearing, to detectives having sex in the detectives building,it was a really bad deprtment. Calvin Woodard had done a lot to clean it up. Is it fixed, no bet it is much much better. Sounds like someone needs to look at our courts now.

Anonymous said...

I have a related questionmaybe someone can answer. I have read about the sex scandal that was supposed to have occured in the detectives building, I thought the girl was fired or quit shortl after it happened and I thought Woodard had fired the Bass guy. But I saw a Deputy Bass the other day ata store. Was this detective Bass fired or just demoted. Maybe I was wrong but I thought I had read he was let go. If someone knows please comment, I am currious. Dont understand wh if it happened he was demoted and not fired. If it didnt happen wh was he demoted. This just sound "fishy " to me. So far I am imprreded with our new sherrif, but this kinda smells a little to me. If anyone knows please write.

Anonymous said...

Woodard and his department have taken a bite out of crime inthe community. We've been reading about the different bust around the town. Wonder if the connection to the judge's behavior has connection. I hate to say it but word on the street is the judge has his hands in that too. Making deals with the dealers and getting them back out onthe street with a slap on the wrist and getting a cut of what they do. That's just wrong if that be true.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, why would any judge reprimand a sheriff for doing his job?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Calvin has taken a bite out of crime all right. Bust those minor marijuana growers, but leave the big-time cocaine suppliers alone. Calvin is a poor excuse for a sheriff, with no experience whatsoever. He was elected more for his ethnicity than for his expertise, for sure!

Anonymous said...

"Elected more for his ethnicity." WOW, that can be defined as a racist comment 101 from a fine fellow citizen of good ole Wilson NC. Spoken like a champion of this fine community.

Anonymous said...

Actually, He (Calvin) must not be leaving those big time cocaine suppliers alone. The evidence. The spill over of the judge's actions in the courtroom chaos he's created. His outburst and tantrum stems from something other than a professional level. Thr judge made it a personal power play towards the Sheriff. Bullies do stuff like that not credible, qualified public servants. The judge made a spectacle of himself. An investigation is way past due for Wilson County.

Anonymous said...

I agree a investigation is due. I voted for WQoodard and believe over all he has done a good job. But i must be honest and say I do not understand why the detective at the heart of the alleged sex scandal still has a job? Can the WCSD not go back and review phone records, test messages and emails? I know the NC Highway Patroll was able to do this. And Ohio St. just release a bunch of text and phone recorsd and emails concerning their investigation. I cant believe the WCSD doesnt have this ability. If they do then why has it not been used to clear this up. If the allged sexual encounters occurec, then why was he not fired? If there is no proof then why not come forward and say we checked and nothing was found? There was an article in the paper saying how his experience would help ELm City. But truth is everyone knows it was demotion. Come on Calvin a detective is put back as a beat patrolman? WHy? If he was guilty why was he not fired. I think a lot of good has taken place since Calvin took office. I voted supported and still do support him, but in truth some things just dont make since.

Anonymous said...

The real power behind scenes is playing you all.There is a common denominator connecting most 95% of the said leaders ,from Gay to Woodard to Fitch,etc,even Rose, I wonder if any of you can figure it out.What is the unmentionable link.Woodard is playin good cop.The same as anything politics.They Bring a good well liked one in for while,but then after he served his purpose, they bring back another "bad" one.Its all about continuing to string you along into believing there is hope for the end of corruption in this town and or state,country,or world even.Well Good Luck.You will need it since this very system is dependent on crime to keep it growing and stable.Don't you all know this.You should if you consider yourselves active in politics and concerns for your children and your future. Dead people have voted in elections,which should have slapped a few in face to seeing truth,votes thrown away as well,machines rigged. Research The Truth Ladies And Gentlemen.And for what its worth,I love you all.