Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bruce Rose, ElectriCities & The Citizens

Bumper Stickers. Yard Signs. Signed Petition. Folks in Wilson, Rocky Mount, Greenville and other surrounding ElectriCities Towns are fired up and ready to fight!

Citizens are rallying to draw attention to the increasing rates and extremely high utility bills. WRAL, WTVD, Carolina News 14, CBS 60 Minutes are being contacted on a daily basis to start an investigative report on ElectriCities.

"It's another Enron situation dealing with these folks," one citizen said. "Their organization is corrupt and they need be looked into." Citizens are also upset with Bruce Rose, mayor of Wilson who serves as Chair of the Board of Directors for ElectriCities calling his actions a "serious conflict of interest."  He can't serve both interest and be fair to the citizens who elected him into office.

The Facebook Group called Tired of paying HIGH utility bills in Eastern NC! (Electricities/NCEMPA) is spearheading the campaign. With membership growing everyday, they've recently passed the 2500 mark.

To learn more about the movement and how you can help visit their website


Anonymous said...

You think rates are high now wait until Greenlight fails. WE is already subsidizing Greenlight heavily, with equipment, labor and high rates on service. When Greenlight fails the Greenlight debt will be covered by WE.

Had Enough said...

City Council keeps up the rhetoric that there's nothing they can do about ElectriCities. But Ricardo Dew gave them an earful about what they can at coucnil meeting. $63 million dollars profit ????

dang it said...

At first, We thought we were hearing Mr. Mayor read his resignation letter - we knew it was too good to be true. He just started telling more lies about Electricities.

Leave US Alone said...

mayor doing everything he can to promote electricites' agenda not Wilson and it's citizens. He's a crook to the community he claims to love so much. What a crock of crap. Rose is no longer right for this community.

He can't deny it said...

Daryl Barber socked it to the mayor at the council meeting. mr. mayor didn't know what to say when asked about his position on being on the board of directors for the company sucking the citizens dry.

Really? said...

Ok Folks ... Here it is. City Council member Donald Evans proposes the following steps to help see you through this crisis.

1.Waive all late fees for January and February.

2.Payment plan for customers in good standing.

3. New weekend and evening hours for one on one consultation.

4. Energy audits with another questionable organization doing weatherizations around the town. Martin County something or another

Alrighty Then said...

Rev. Alonzo Braggs, President of the Wilson Chapter NAACP spoke before council last night. He informed them the organization would be uniting with other local chapters in the ElectriCities service area to draw attention and support to rally with the citizens for solutions to sky-rocketing utility rates. He told the Mayor just like council keeps saying the debt is not going away... Neither Will We.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to City Council member BILL PITT - He seems to be the only one who really concerned about the people. and what they trying to prove by showing headlines from around the state about high rates? We're not just talking about winter - rates are high period - each season - every season.

Anonymous said...

WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO AFFORD CITY COUNCIL'S BAD SPENDING HABITS! The questioned should have been asked why the mayor took that BOD seat on Electricities...

Anonymous said...

It is awesome to see so many people organizing to do something! Now let's get it done. If the Council and Rose are not listening, then let us bring heat down on them from the state level!! We need help people, and we need to be loud and persistent with this issue to get results. We cannot let it die just because our bills fall under $500 a month. Anything over $100 is WAY too much!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting last night and I was appalled at Ms. Burton LAUGHING at least 3 people (if not more) when they got up to speak. There was this one lady who was very articulate, well versed and very respectful when addressing the council. She was there against the used car lot. I though Ms. Burton was going to fall out of her seat at one point with her laughter. She was disrespectful and arrogant. She needs s to make a public apology to the people. I just couldn’t believe my eyes!

I sent this post to Bruce Rose.

Campaign Not to Re-Elect Burton said...

TO: Go Along, to Get Along, Gwen Burton

The handwriting’s on the wall, whose gonna catch you when you fall.

Monkey see, Monkey Do, there’s a city council Monkey who looks just like you.

Campaign Not to Re-Elect Burton said...
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