Friday, February 12, 2010

Wilsonian Voices on Perspectives & Opinions

Perspectives. . . It's all about WHO YOU LISTEN TO and WHO YOU ASK.
Opinions. Everybody has one and here's the REAL DEAL on ours. Citizens no longer have to rely solely on what the Wilson Times writes or what they want you to know or NOT. Not anymore. Their slant. Their spin on the story. Their biased reporting on local issues. The favoritism they continue to demonstrate towards a select few who for years have tried to control what other citizens think and make political decisions for them is coming to screeching halt. Traditional media reporting as you well know is giving way to citizen journalism. Blogs, Facebook and Twitter are outlets rapidly taking over the way folks communicate and get information. And as the song goes - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now.

So what the city chose not to disclose the names of the candidates vying for chief of police, that's their discretion not to extend that information to you. So your next move is intimidation by verbal assault? How dare you even think you could demand the city to release the names promptly. With what you call reporting, no sooner than you had the names, you'd sully the process in the same like manner you did the city council candidates in the last election. The folks you and your favorite cohorts liked you wouldn't find anything on them. And those you didn't like you'd find any and every little thing you could going back to grade school. We consider that strategy biased reporting. And it's what you have done towards the citizens of Wilson for years. There's nothing right about that. There's nothing fair about that. And there's nothing ethical about that. You do what you do because you can. You do what you do to appease a few.

A serious evaluation of your organization and an honest look at how you do what you do would reveal, you may not be as qualified as you think to deliver the quality of news coverage this community needs. Doesn't matter how long you've been doing it. Practice doesn't make perfect, if you've been practcing wrong all along. Wise up Wilson Times. City Officials didn't like your tactics. The majority of the Citizens don't really care for them either. Our voices are many with varied perspectives and opinions. No longer do you decide who will or will not be heard. Our message and our voices will resonate through this city. We no longer have to rely on what you decide we need to know. And that's the Real Deal!


Just my opinion said...

The Wilson Times has always played favorites to special interest groups and the folks who sit on the outskirts looking in. They call the shots around Wilson and The Times don't rock the boat.