Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Braggs Bows Out, NAACP to Choose New Leader

The Local Headline reads,'Wilson NAACP holds annual meeting; Braggs to step down Nov. 15.' And with that said it's a done deal.
The Rev. Alonzo Braggs formally announced Tuesday he will step down as the president of the Wilson chapter of the NAACP as of Nov. 15.

"I announced at the executive committee meeting in September of my intention to resign tonight," Braggs said as he addressed approximately 40 people at the group's annual meeting. "I wanted to look you in the face and thank you for standing with me, supporting me and challenging me and for all you have done. You have made me a better individual."

Braggs said he didn't join the NAACP to "sit down." "I joined to make a difference," he said. "I believe that is why the people of Wilson County elected me. They did not give me power, nor have I used this office as a position of power. As a matter of fact, this is not an office of power, but an opportunity for servant-hood."

Braggs highlighted the accomplishments of the branch since he first took office in 2007. He noted how the chapter stood with the family of James Johnson and now with Wilson native and Fike graduate, John McNeil as he fights for freedom in Georgia. He praised the chapter for partnering with churches, elected officials, corporate organizations and individuals on various joint ventures.

On behalf of the Wilson branch, Braggs presented Jeff Jackson, manager of Wilson's Walmart, with a plaque recognizing the retailer as the "first non-minority entity to become a life member in the branch."

Braggs called on the Wilson Democratic Party to "officially endorse and acknowledge" Calvin Woodard as their candidate. He noted the NAACP does not endorse candidates. Also during the meeting Alma Battle was crowned the 2010 branch Mother of the Year because of her service to the branch.

As part of the annual meeting business, nominations were accepted for the 2010 to 2012 officers for the next two years. Nominations consisted of George Leach for president; Brenda Avery as first vice president, Mattie Jones as second vice president, Altise Harris, treasurer, Asa Gregory as assistant treasurer and at-large executive committee members, Frank Jones, Charles Cook and Dennis Williams. All of these people were nominated and are running unopposed. The election will be held at the November monthly meeting.

* Article written by Gina Childress Times Staff Writer


Anonymous said...

That's a damn shame. Looks like the bad guys will be in control. A bunch of cronies with self serving interest. The group is already going to hell in a hand basket. Let's see how long it'll take this crew to completely destroy it.

Truth Be Told said...

Braggs gave a very eloquent speech in departing. Thanking those in the community who have helped to make a real difference in the community overall. Thank you Alonzo Braggs for your service, your spirit and your sincerity.
Your successor, if it is the individual named in the paper will never equate to your character nor elevate the local chapter to the level of success you achieved as President. His motives and actions are emerged in self-absorbed issues for his own personal gain. He's all for himself and his circle of friends not the community. He and his special interest buddies have been through 3 presidents for the NAACP undermining good intentions and prostituting the black community.

Anonymous said...

The last name is indicative of the individual … Here’s your clue… The individual who’s running unopposed for the position of the next NAACP president for the Wilson Branch. That’s the real DOUBLE JEOPARDY.