Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wake Up, Shake Up & Break Up The WCSD

Citizens are ready for a change and rightly so. Amid allegations of years of wrong doings and murmurings of internal sexual encounters by deputies while on the job most Wilsonians know the Wilson County Sheriff's department is past due for an overhaul and extreme makeover where the department is concerned. The latest incidence of another deputy drivng while intoxicated is a clear confirmation change is needed come November.
Deputy resigns after DWI charge - 3rd deputy charged with DWI this year

A Wilson County Sheriff's deputy resigned Monday after being charged with driving while impaired Sunday night. Officials confirmed Eddie Smith of Lucama was arrested around 9:15 p.m. and charged with DWI. He received a $1,500 unsecured bond and was released, said Sgt. J. Gordon, spokesperson for the N.C. Highway Patrol. Gordon said Smith was not on duty and was operating his personal vehicle at the time of the incident.

Smith's blood alcohol percentage registered 0.15 after troopers performed the intoxilyzer breath text, Gordon said. The legal limit in North Carolina is 0.08. "According to the report, we received a call around 9:15 Sunday night about a one-car accident," Gordon said. "When troopers responded, they found Smith's trailblazer stuck in a ditch on N.C. 581 near N.C. 42. Troopers were able to discern that alcohol was involved and began their investigation."

This is the second time Smith has been arrested and charged with DWI. He was charged in 2006. During that incident, Smith was again off-duty and operating his personal vehicle when he bumped into the rear of a car. No injuries or significant damage was reported during that incident.

Wilson Sheriff Wayne Gay said Smith had previously undergone alcohol treatment and appeared to be improving. A funeral of someone close to him this past weekend may have caused Smith to relapse, Gay said. Gay said Smith had been employed with the Sheriff's Office since 1995 and was assigned to the motorcycle unit. This is the third deputy to resign this year after being charged with driving while impaired.

* Article written by Gina Childress Wilson Times Staff writer.


Anonymous said...

Well we read this week of a Wilson daputy who resigned. Ths was the second time he was charged with a drinking and driving offense. The only reason he was forced to resign is because an outside agency was involved. Mr Smith was terminated or resigned because an outside agency was involved. Other deputies, specificly the one who was involved in the internal sex scandal continues to work only because no outside agency has decided to look into his actions. I am sure if the NC Highway Patrol can go back in their system and recover text mesages, internal emails, and phones records the WCSD could also. We also know they know of what is supposed to have occured, but yet nothing was done about it. From what some of the rumors say this last icident was not the first time something like this happened with the detective named before. I am afraid if Farmer wins, we will justget more of the same. After all he was the number 2 man in the system when the sex scandal occured. What did he do about it? Nothing. Maybe Mr. Woodard if he wins will want to change the departments image. Best way to do that is look into some of the things written here and investigate. Then tell the public what you find. If thngs like what happened with Mr. Smith, then take action. Same goes for the hanky panky that occured in the detectives building. If I were confronted by that detective, it would be very hard to have any respect for him or the department he represents. There is no way Gay or Farmer can sit back and say they know nothing of what happened. They decided one of the people involved quit suddenly, then lets pretend it never happened. But it did, and from the stories circulating, more than once. Until a change occures at the top, a REAL CHANGE, nothing will happen, and our detectives building will continue to be the local Motel 6. Yes we need a Change. Mr. Woodard seems to be our best bet to reform our WCSD into something the people of Wilson can be proud of instead of ashamed of the things going on inside the buildings there.

Anonymous said...

I would like to make a comment about something written by Ms. Childress above. She stated there were mummers about deputies having internal sexual encounters while on duty. The incidents you speak of were by a detective over in the detectives office building. We may be splitting hairs here and I guess a detective is technically a deputy. But the incidents were not done by "deputies" per say, but by a detective. Which makes it all the worse. Again these are just things that have been said to have happened, but it keeps surfacing and where there is smoke there is usally fire. Maybe one day someone will look into this and let the truth out and if others are involved let the chips fall where they may If it was John Q. Public who had done something wrong they would be all over you or me. But I guess this is what they mean by the "BLUE WALL of SILENCE".

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree.It is time to shake up things at the WCSD! If half the things we have heard nd read are true then they need to have an internal investagation and clean house. Deputies driving drunk, detectives having sex on the job, in their office? My god, what kind of a department do we have? Is it any wonder Wilson has the repution as a crime and drug infested town. I truely hope after the election no matter who wins, these algations are looked into and people are held responsible for their actions. This kind of stuff cannot be allowed to continued. People in law enforcement should be held up as role models. A lot of places where you are required to drive a company car, if you are caught driving drunk the 1st time you would be terminated. Why was this deputy allowed to continue to work? Having sex with co-workers on the job while you are supposed to be on the clock would pretty much get you fired ANYWHERE! Well, it looks like maybe EXCEPT, Wilson Sheriff's office. Wow it is unbeliveable the shape our WCSD is in.....

Anonymous said...

Simple question. How can the WCSD terminte ( I know he resigned but he had no choice) Deputy Smith for driving while intoxicated,and allow Detective Bass to continue to work after his sexual exploits? Is drunk drivings worse than hving sexual encounters on the job? Or is it a detective is higher up the totem pole that a regular deputy? Interesting question. Both things happened,with totaly different results.But I guess that is life at our Wilson County Sheriff Department.

Sad State of Affairs said...

It is truly sad,insulting and also an embarrassment to the citizens of Wilson NC to have such illicit behavior such as displayed in the WCSD represent us. Corruption breeds corruption and this department definitely has had years and years of practice.

Anonymous said...

Deouties driving drunk, detectives having sex in the detective's building. If the deputy was held accountable for his actions, why was Detective Bass allowed to keep his job. I mean a Major in the Highway Patrol was canned for just texting and emailing things. Wow actually having sex on duty would seem gounds for trmination.

Anonymous said...

Is this Det. bass the same det. Bass that sleep's all the time? I think his name is J.T. BasS. There is several officer's with the last name of Bass. Please clarify who you are talking about. But actually all of the force has been
sc---ed by this office for a while now. People please get all of the fact's, We need to put this out there so our next sheriff know's exactly who he need's to take a look at when get's in office.

Anonymous said...

yes J T Bass is the ONE.

Anonymous said...

In he debate Faramer made the comment his office woud have zero tolerrance for deputies doing things illeagal or imoral. Then I would like to know how he can make that statement when while he was the number 2 man in the department, JT Bass was abl to keep his job after having sexual encounters in the detective building while on duty? I am quite sure that qualifies as imoral. He cnt say he didnt know about it, there were rumors here about it a long time befor the secratary quit. We end an employee who is the center of suxual misconduct rumors comes in and resigns one day without notice it should rasie questions. We alll heard the rumors, she quit suddenly but nothingwas ever done to Detective BAss. And mr. Farmer was number 2 man inthe department. If we the rank and file put it togehter couldhe not? He says one thng but this case he demonstrated what his policy will be......dont ask dont tell.... he has already hd a chance to up hold the departments image. But JT Bass still works their in part becuse Farmer chose hewould protect his male white "good old boy". So this say with Farmer it is ok to use the detective's building as your private no tell motel....Farmer has shown us what he will do.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see more citizens of all colors be more concerned with the things that have been going on in the Sherriff's Department. Our latest example of how things are being run is the add flyer Mr Farmer sent out saying who he will protect. Mr J T Bass still has a job despite what must be obvious to everyone by now. You cannot have as much written as has been about his escapades and there not be some truth to it. The fact is there was a non white female who was also involved, I heard she came forward and told what happened and resigned. It was obvious from things that had seen and said before she did this, something was going on over in that building. But after she left, Mr JT Bass was allowed to keep working. This was not the first instance of problems with him but Mr. Farmer, who by his own statements written on this site, was in charge of personel issues and also has stated he has a zero tollorance for illegal or immoral things being done by people in the Sheriff's Department. Seems what he is saying is not what he has done. How can the public have faith in Mr. Farmer or even with the Wilson County Sheriff's Office when things like this are going on? More people should ask Mr. Farmer this, if you are eleted which John Farmer will be getting? THe one who participated in the JT Bass incident (cover up ignoring, or turning a blind eye) or the John FARMER WHO WILL NOT TOLLERATE these kind of things. We do not know for sure everything that happened in this incident. But too many people have made comments that something went on. When rumors refuse to die, then they have a basis of truth to them. It is obvious something happened, since JT Bass still works there, then it makes you wonder what kind of standards they have. Pretty much anywhere I have ever worked if you had sex at the office, on company time, EVERYONE involved would be terminated, Not just the non white female. Just an opinon. More citizens of Wilson should be concerned that instead of trying to "PROTECT" us, or dealing with the drug and crime problems of the city, our "DETECTIVES" are at the "office having sex" !
If I sound bitter I am, All the non white people of Wilson should be very concerned. No make that ALL CITIZENS! We cannot accept this kind of conduct. Not only from those who did these things, but those highed up in the department who when this came out were told or whatever happen to cause the lady to resign, a full blown investigation should have occured. All involved should have been terminated. Now all those involved, (JT BASS) and everyone in a position of command who knew and did nothing (GAY, FARMER, BAILY) should be held accountable. If we accept things like this happening, and accept nothing being done about it, then we are to blame for accepting it. Citizens of WIlson, wake up and ask questions. This is not acceptable condut, in reality the Wilson County Sheriff's Department employee's are OUR employee's. THey work for us the people. If you owned a bussiness and had employees having sex in the office instead of doing their job, if you found out what would you do?

Anonymous said...

They'd have to hit the road Jack...and wouldn't be no coming back...

Anonymous said...

I agree with the two previous writters. There is no was Detectve Bass would have a job, And those who knew and did nothing, (Gay, Farmer, Baily) they too should be dissmissed. We read every day instances where this kind of conduct is not tolerated. There was another article of someone doing stuff of this nature yesterday, the Gardner incident. In that case the guy had quit a previous job under a shadow of sexual misconduct. There were rumors of other things Bass has supposedly done before. From what I have heard, this was not the first time his judgement could be questioned. Not only that, but if the stories are true, not only did he conduct himself unprofessionally, when it all came out it appears he let the young lady take all the heat. What does that say about him as a person and a man. Bt then this is the kind of people who are in the higher positions of the WCSD. People of Wilson should not have to put uup with this kind of conduct. The time he used to plan and conduct these sexual encounters, at work on the clock, how many crimes were committed, or crimanals remaining at large because he had "OTHER" things to do? This is the kind of things going on at the WCSD. But remember Farmer said in his debate things like this would not be tolerated. But wait, wasn't he head of the crimminal division, and in charge of pernonel issues.
Want to know why things are so bad on the street? Because the people who are supposed to be investigating them are to busy doing "other things" to be bothered by something like doing their job!

Anonymous said...

Wow!Did this really happen? Detectives having sex on the job ? If this happened then something should be done. I am astonished this could happen and just bbe ignored. This detective Bass, you are sure he still works there?

Anonymous said...

Does anyones find it strange there has been no "offical" comment from WCSD around the alledged Sexual Encounters by one of it's detectives and a former employee. One would think if this story was untrue they would state that it's just a rumor and has no truth. Could it be that those in charge who should have investigated this when it happened have said nothing? Could it be that they, (Gay, Farmer, Baily and Bass) know what happened and are afraid to deny it becuse if and when the truth does come out they would also be caught in a lie? Why does our Sheriff's Office condone ths kind of conduct by its officers? There has been enough written, even names given to warrent someone looking into it. Other law enforcement agenices admitt when something like this happens and take action to hold those involved accountable. We have all read and heard the stories of phone calls texts, emails, and alledged sexual encounters. I am quite sure the Sheriff's office like other agencies and has the ability to go back and look at these records? As much as we pay our Sheriff I would hope that since we have that kind of money, we have the latest in computers and cell phones. If so there is a paper trail. Maybe that is why they have said nothing. Could it be that all we have herd nd read is true? Could be they are just hoping this will blow away. But from what I have seen n the past, once a story like this starts circulating, and doesn't die, there is some truth to the matter. If this did happen as it seems it did, why would the powers to be in the Sheriff's Office not take actions to correct this problem? That is to me anyway, much more troubling than the alledged sexual encounters. Let's be real here, things like that do happen. But the troubling part here is it is obvious, that if it indeed di happen, nothing was said or done about it. That is absolutely unprofessional and un acceptable. Think about it, we have the 4th highest paid Sheriff in the State, we (Wilson) are know for our drug traffic around eastern NC, crime is terrible, and our detectives instead of dong there job are playing house while on duty. And those over him in the departmnt seem to think its ok. This really scares me. As one of the candiates asked in his campaign flyer, Who WIll Protect Me? Think about it people, while drugs are being sold near our schools, maybe even to our children, while you are work and your house is beng broken into, instead of trying to stop these things, and solve the crimes being committed out detectives are having sexual encounters at work with other employees. And that seems to be ok with those in charge. That is indeed scary. Makes yo wonder what else they do instead of their job doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

READ MORE CLOSELY: LET ME CLARIFY.... Ms. Childress did not mention nor did she write ANYTHING about sexual innuendo in the Sheriff's Office. The way this organization has posted the article and their opinion above it makes it seem as if she did. Go on The Wilson Times Web site and search the archives. You will find the ORIGINAL article without any manipulations.