Thursday, October 28, 2010

George Fisher on Jammin 99.3

 George Fisher
What: Jammin' 99.3
When: Thursday from 7am-9am
Pass it along to all your friends!

Tune your radio to 99.3 today as he co-host the David Perkins Morning Show! You keep hearing folks talk about taking America "BACK!". Well, if you really want to know what that "code " word means? You'll get it! From Washington to Raleigh and all of eastern North Carolina. He'll tell you why this election is even
MORE IMPORTANT than your 2008 vote!
Read the REAL DEAL right here!


Joel Killion said...

You say certain folks are talking about taking America "back" and that that is a "code" word.

Well, I am an active member of the Wilson NC Tea Party and we want to see America restored to her founding principles and values (i.e. Honesty, Reverence, Thrift, Humility, Charity, Moderation, Hard Work, Courage, Personal Responsibility, Gratitude, etc). Of course, we have some who have said "We want to take America back," but that has nothing to do with going "back" in time. Instead it has to do with restoring our foundation as a Judeo-Christian nation and especially going back to the simplicity of what our Founders gave us in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Some have said that when we say we want to "Take America Back" or "Restore America" it means we want to restore slavery and the disenfranchisement of Native Americans, but this isn't anywhere near our purpose or passion (never has been); we don't even think in those terms. As the Declaration states, and the Holy Scriptures echo, "All men are created EQUAL." We ABSOLUTELY believe that, and those who tortured and displaced HUMAN BEINGS in any way, shape, or form, obviously did NOT!

Oh, and taking America "Back" has nothing to do with taking us back to the Bush Jr. years. We were and are very disappointed in GWB. He was not a true Conservative and did not uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States as he swore to do. He was a Republican In Name Only (a RINO) and damaged America in many ways that were quite shameful.

Well, I hope this clarifies some things. God bless you all.