Monday, October 18, 2010

John Farmer Ad - Second Mailer - A Chosen Few

The Sheriff’s Race has been without any doubt the most exciting and most intense race in Wilson’s History. We’re on the verge of making history and it hasn’t come easy nor without a price. The struggle for equality is still fervent and we as concerned citizens need to step up and do our part by participating in the process that many lost their lives for us to obtain—the right to vote.

We know at times this race has become heated and emotional. And race … in this race has become a factor as well.

It is our desire to share with you the facts as the facts are. You make your own decision, draw your own conclusion about what you see and what you read.

The following photos were sent to a select few in the Wilson Community. Some of you may have seen these while others may be viewing them for the first time. Again, we’re sharing the facts as the facts are. And … If a picture paints a thousand words — then what is the message on the mailer this campaign committee mailed out?

Wilson needs a Sheriff who will represent ALL citizens of this community and not a select few. An individual who will not be a "respecter of persons." (Romans 2:11) WE ALL want to be safe in our homes and within our communities. WE ALLwant to feel each law enforcement officer will do his or her duty to serve and protect all of Wilson and Wilson County. Not just a select few.
If a picture paints a thousand words… Then what are these photos saying to those who are not included?
Be sure you vote in this election. Somebody’s counting on you. We need someone to represent us ALL And  represent us well. GO VOTE!


Anonymous said...

And does anyone notice what is missing in this picture? This is a really a poor ad and I wonder who is doing his advertisements and fliers and who is approving them. This is a diverse community and exclusiveness is no longer an option. Just keep shooting yourself in the foot, John Farmer. Every time you put a flier out like these last two, you are just confirming what we have already thought. You are not inclusive and that will make you lose votes every time you put something like this out. Your loss, our gain.

Anonymous said...

You better hopeyou dont have to count on the detectives to protect you. If they are all like Det. Bass the will probablly be too busy having sex to protectanyone! Our WCSD is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Wilson has had enough of good ole boy, wealthy money politicking in Wilson. Its time for what the scriptures say those that have been first shall be last . . . and you know the rest of the story... The elitist who have served this county through the years have stocked their armoires well through the years. Storing up for such a time as this. When its all said and done one thing is for sure... God's word is true. The wealth of the wicked/sinners is laid up for the just. Justice shall prevail in this place called Wilson NC...

Anonymous said...

IS that Bob Thaxton ex city councilman sitting on the porch?

Stupid Strategy said...

John Farmer sealed his fate and any opportunity to actually become Sheriff of this county when he authorized the distribution of this mailer. Inclusion is the key. Only an Imbecile would agree to such a campaign strategy. Which clearly shows a lack of sound judgment when it comes to the law enforcement affairs of this county dealing with the Sheriff's department by John Farmer.

Anonymous said...

Yes. That is Bob Thaxton sitting on the porch. If he is supporting John Farmer then you know what you are getting. He represented Five Points on the City Council. He was rude and nasty when it came to his citizens. He would get up and walk out of session and say the nastiest things. His sons are on the Highway Patrol. Be careful, if you are stopped. Please beware of anyone Thaxton supports. You have been warned!!!