Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wilson County One Stop - Early Voting

Wilson County Early Voting
Dates & Times of Operation:

Two Locations Available

Wilson County Board of Elections
112 Douglas Street

Thursday & Friday - October 14 - 15th - Hours: 8 to 6
Monday - Friday - October 18 - 22 - Hours: 8 to 6
Monday - Friday - October 25 - 29 - Hours: 8 to 6
Saturday - October 30 - Hours: 8 to 1

Wilson County Miller Rd. Office Bldg
2201 Miller Road 

Monday - Friday - October 18 - 22 - Hours: 9 - 4
Monday - Friday - October 25 - 29 - Hours: 9 - 4

* Source: State Board of Election Website -


Anonymous said...

One Stop or Early Voting started this morning. I went at 8:15 and there were a few people already there. Calvin Woodard was there. When I left around 9 or so, John Farmer nor his supporters had arrived. The voting did not take long. I hung out for a little while and enjoyed the company of Calvin and his enthusiastic supporters. Will be checking back later to see how the day went and if Mr. Farmer ever showed up. Everyone get on out to vote.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Calvin have to work today? I can't imagine why he was at the BOE on a weekday. Hanging out with the thugs who were out front?

To the Assinine Anonymous Writer said...

Calvin's itinerary is none of your business nor your concern. What you can or cannot image strictly lies within the bounds of your mental capability. Which must be challenged and limited based on your idiotic post of why he was at the BOE. Hello D'uh, today was the first day for early voting... here's hoping you did the same with your one vote. And as far as your comment in describing individuals as thugs, I've always heard it said it takes one to know another. Take your negative disposition and your negative energy somewhere else - It's your kind we don't need.

Anonymous said...

To the Assinine Anonymous Writer. How very interesting that you are worrying about Calvin's work schedule. Since John Farmer is retired, where was he? He never showed up today from what I heard. I was down at BOE twice today and no one saw him. What I did see was a diverse happy group of people out supporting their candidate. I do believe that this community is made up of a diverse group of people. That is not going to change. What you saw was not thugs, it was a great group of diverse people working hard to get their qualified candidate elected. Open your eyes, Wilson is changing. Calvin Woodard is inclusive not exclusive. And by the way, where was John Farmer? He is retired, why wasn't he there? I was there twice today, once to vote and once to bring someone else to vote after work. What I did see was two high schoolers holding John Farmer signs? I commend them for coming but it looks like their candidate would have had the courtesy to show up also. But then that is not any of my concern because I do not care if he ever shows up at any poll. My candidate, Calvin Woodard, outshines John Farmer and will win the election. So if you are going to make nasty comments about Calvin Woodard you need to find another site to do it on. You are probably just upset about the turnout which appeared to be in Calvin's favor as it looked like a lot of his supports that I have seen at his events. Look out Wilson, good things are coming.

Anonymous said...

The first sign of weakness is defensiveness. Why should John have been there for the first day of early voting? What made it such a momentous day, even to be called "historic" by someone quoted in the paper today? If it's not about race, then why was it "historic"? We've certainly had sheriff's elections in Wilson before. By the way...using words like "assinine," "challenged," "limited," and "idiotic" would be under the category of negative.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard that remark before the first sign of weakness is defensiveness. Must be something they teach on the other side of the tracks. Now what I have heard is the first sign of stupidity is a lack of common sense. What usually happens is the candidates will go to the polls and place their votes. It’s a momentous occasion on the first day of voting. The candidates are leading the way for others to do the same. Something about that leading by example thing that Farmer spoke about in the debate.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone considered it "historic" by the fact being Wilson has not known another as Sheriff for the past 28 years. Perhaps they were referencing the two candidates involved and the fact being it is the first time an African American has come as far as he has in seeking the position. Historic by it being the first time a debate between candidates for the WCSO has ever been held in Wilson. So it does have historic factors attached to it. And by the way ...using words such as asinine, challenged, limited and idiotic is probably someone's way of trying not to be rude and simply cuss your dumb-ass out versus being negative. The Anonymous writer wrote didn't Calvin have to work that day...then went on to express their thoughts about thugs and why was Calvin at the BOE during the weekday. Those remarks were uncalled for and were conveyed with sarcasm and insinuated Calvin hangs out with thugs. The response must have really hit a nerve to prompt another idiotic response such as yours. As the commercial says you can learn a lot from a dummy... even when they write anonymous you.

Anonymous said...

Who are these other anonymous commenters who are calling others "dummy" and "dumb-ass"? People who can't speak or write any better than Calvin? Calvin goes: "der" for "there"; "dem" for "them"; "de" for "the"; "git" for "get." Wilson County's finest? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One anonymous writer criticizing another for being anonymous? You just can't do anything with stupid...just ask the President!

Another Anonymous writer said...

We'd rather ask your Mama... about why she didn't do a better job raising you. The president has nothing to do with this blog subject yet you insert his name and call him stupid. Only a dunce would do something like that.Then you have the nerve to talk about criticizing and then hide behind anonymous...what a schmuck you are Dunce!

Anonymous said...

Just looked up Calvin's educational background and found that his master's degree came from CMU (Central Michigan University). Seems that it's one of those off-campus, online programs. The rest of the list of "certificates" and "training" reads like my list of in-service workshops required over the past years for my job. I'd hardly list them as educational background unless I was desperate to impress. Calvin's having sat on his behind through numerous workshops doesn't make up for his lack of actual experience.