Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Political Agitator on Wilson Politics

Finally the Face Off - The Wilson County Sheriff's Debate

The DCN was present to capture the debate live at Fike High School and it will be shown soon on the The DCN TV. The debate was well attended however there were several open seats. The debate was  sponsored by The Wilson Times and I want to commend them for a job well done. The moderator John Pea who lives in the Charlotte area did a marvelous job. Bradley Hearn of The Wilson Times did a professional job of reading the questions and Calvin Woodard was awesome.

It appears that John Farmer was nervous and followed Woodard as he lead and won the debate if it was based on a score. I have stopped by 2 of Woodard’s fundraisers and one being this past Saturday evening whereby there were lots of supporters present, although I missed those who came before and after me.

I was told that Frank Jones of Wilson an older black male had made a comment that it was not Woodard’s time. Woodard defeated longtime Sheriff Wayne Gay during the Primary Election. After Woodard won by a landslide, Farmer decided he would change his party affiliation and run as an unaffiliated candidate. Woodard is black and Farmer is white.

If Jones actually made that comment he reminds me of when Rev. Dr. Thomas L. Walker came to the Rocky Mount NAACP meeting and stated that it was not time for a black mayor in Rocky Mount when Councilman Reuben Blackwell filed to run against longtime mayor Fred Turnage several years ago. Blackwell was defeated but did a good job after getting in the race late in the ballgame.

I say now is the time. Woodard is the man. I was very much impressed with him during the debate. Woodard showed how professional he is and how serious and committed he is to the people of Wilson and those on the outside that he will be in contact with as it relates to the Sheriff Department. It was as if he had rehearsed the questions. He nor Farmer had not seen the questions before the debate so this means that Woodard is very professional and knowledgeable. Is he qualified? Hell yeah. Is he experienced? Hell yeah? Do I believe if Woodard is given a chance to become the next Sheriff of Wilson County that he will do a great job? Hell yeah!! The DCN endorses Calvin Woodard for Sheriff of Wilson County.

Posted by Curmilus Dancy II on October 13, 2010

For other interesting post by the Political Agitator visit his blog @


Anonymous said...

Is Calvin qualified? If collecting certificates makes him qualified. Is Calvin experienced? Possibly as a SBI professional, but not as a sheriff. He has no experience with managing personnel or budgets. Calvin seemed calm, cool, and collected...until he opened his mouth and began to speak. Then he sounded like a naive, uneducated country hick who had no command of the English language. I don't trust him to know how to take care of the county when his plans sound utopian and completely unrealistic.

Umm am goin say it a'gain... said...

First, I would like to say,"Is that how you start a sentence?" John Farmer started a lot of his sentences with "umm am goin say it a'gain. "Public speaking skills is a must!" The debate was horrible,"it was not fair to Calvin Woodard (no competition at all). Secondly, when asked a question I thought a person respond with a answer. John Farmer did not answer any of the questions asked of him. Thirdly, he did not once mention assisting his deputies in the community, he was focus on the hiring, firing, and promoting. John Farmer had no clue of what was goin on especially for Wilson County. Wilson County has no gangs identified, I guess that is why probation and the police department has specialized officer. I highly recommend the person who sent him (Wayne Gay), "John Farmer is ready for pick-up,10-4!" Vote Calvin Woodard, not only did he show up for the debate, but he "showed out!"

Anonymous said...

HAs anyone seen the debate on the Wilson Times site. Thought they said within 24 hours it would be available for folks to see. That is what was said right?

Anonymous said...

They said it would be on there by Friday.