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Monday, February 28, 2011

Pass The Chicken Please - Part II

We're just gonna tell it like it is.
Here's the cocky arrogance of an anonymous commenter on a recent blogpost called Pass the Chicken Please:

"East, west, north, or south, everyone needs clean water. It's essential for life...chicken isn't. And why would you expect the city of Wilson to spend a million dollars helpign people pay their utility bills? The people having trouble paying them make choices that bring it on themselves. Setting the thermostat on 80 when it's 30 outside doesn't help, either. There are plenty of jobs already available in Wilson for people who want to work. Instead they sit on their front porches waiting for their government checks to arrive."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wilson Co Dem Party Annual Precinct Organization Meeting


Hey, Do you vote a democratic ticket in Wilson, NC? If that be the case, WE'RE TALKING TO YOU!

The Wilson County Democratic Party is hosting it's annual county-wide precinct organization meeting on Monday, February 28th at 6:00 pm @ Darden Alumni Center.

Reid Street Community Center
American Legion Post #17
Elvie Street Resource Center
Whitfield Housing Recreation Building
Wilson County Public Library
Toisnot Middle School
Wilson County Agriculture Center
Elm City Elementary School
Stantonsburg/Moyton Fire Station

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NEW NC Jobs Campaign Launched for Nash, Edgecombe & Wilson Counties

Video Courtesy http://www.newncjobs.com/street-talk-sd

ps... Thank you!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

NCDP Chair David Parker

Every time we've allowed voter restrictions like the poll tax or literacy tests in North Carolina, we've seen one result: legal voters stripped of their dignity and the full rights of their citizenship, and turned away from the polling place.

Now, Republicans in the General Assembly have served up a voter suppression bill for our generation. They say it's aimed at stopping fraud, but we've been here before. And the last time it took nearly a hundred years and the civil rights movement to put things right again.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Please Pass The Chicken

I'm so tired of hearing about a chicken plant that isn't even in Wilson. Not to mention Wilson is spending a million dollars to stop a plant in Nash County. Where was that million dollars when people struggled to pay light bills? Why don't they put that million dollars toward paying off the debt they owe so they can lower light bills.

My opinion is if this chicken plant was on the east side of town and not close to the west side of town (along with everything else in Wilson) we wouldn't be hearing a sound out of these people! I live on the east side and it seems everything is running to the "rich" side of Wilson and leaving our side of town. Now they don't want a "low-class" operation (in their eyes) stinking up their side of town. These people need to get real. I don't think it has anything to do with the environment as much as it does having a smell on their side of town!

Are they eating chicken? Yes. So they have to be grown somewhere and look at the jobs it is offering.

Congratulations Don Davis

Congratulations are in order to Don Davis, who takes the lead role as the 1st Congressional District Chair of the NC Democratic party.

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Time to Read with Me - Promoting Literacy

Celebrating Black History Month Promoting Literarcy at the National African American Read-In
Hosted by It's Time To Read With Me!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

NC Action for Children

Raise The Age
Stop The School to Prison Pipeline - Community Awareness & Dialogue Forum Remember Our History ... Not Repeat It. Prisons ... The New Slave System 
Get children who commit non-violent offenses out of the Adult System. Let's do it now.

ATTEND   Raise the Age Community Forum
WHEN:     Saturday, February 19, 2011
WHERE:   Reid Street Community Center
                 801 Reid Street - Wilson, NC
TIME:       3:00 pm

Panelist include: Representative Jean Farmer-Butterfield, NC Action for Children, Mandy Abledidinger, NC Advocates for Children Services, Jason Lanberg, NC Action for Children, Geraldine Alshamy.

NCDP SEC Meeting - Gwen Wilkins

Video Courtesy Anthony D Hall

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

True, False or a Little Bit of Both

Examing Black Loyalty to the Democratic Party

NC Dem News 2011

Congratulations to the newly elected State Democratic Party Officers elected at the State Executive Committee Meeting recently held in Raleigh the last weekend in January:

Chair: David Parker, Iredell County
1st Vice-Chair: Gwen Wilkins, Nash County
2nd Vice-Chair: Douglas Wilson, Mecklenburg County
3rd Vice-Chair: Tony McEwan, New Hanover County
Secretary: Melvin Williams, Duplin County

Voter ID Laws & What It Means to You

So What's Changed in 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

NC Democrats & Efforts to Disenfranchise - THEN

Stay tuned. We'll be talking about the = NOW - SOON!

Blacks & Democrats - Our Series Continues

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WCDP - New Day or SOS

We're taking a closer look  at our local
Wilson County Dem Party.
Why? Well, the answer is simple. If you signed your name on a dotted line you'd want to know what you're signing up for wouldn't you? Sure you would. And if you don' think so then perhaps you need to think again.

Democrat or Dixiecrat

Democrat or Dixiecrat

Let me begin this story by giving you the definition of Dixiecrat. It was a former political party formed in 1948 by Democrats from southern states in order to oppose the candidacy of Harry S. Truman. The splintered Democratic Party could not come to terms on quite a few issues including Civil Rights and Integration.

So fast forward to 2010 and the Democratic Party is again divided. At least back in the day they had the decency enough to start their own party. Today to the shame of many Democrats they are trying to blend in supporting candidates in other Parties and expect no one to notice. This is a country of rights and you have a right to support who you choose, but get off of the Executive Board of the Democratic Party, if you don’t support the Democratic Candidates.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nash County Commissioners Choose to Continue Chicken Processing Plant Project

Courtesy WRAL

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pitt Nominated to National Board

Willie J. (Bill) Pitt
 Appointed to National League of Cities Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Steering Committee

Washington, DC – National League of Cities President James Mitchell, Jr., has announced the appointment of Councilman Willie J. (Bill) Pitt, City of Wilson, District 7 to the National League of Cities’ (NLC) 2011 Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Advocacy Steering Committee.

This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC federal policy positions in the areas of energy, clean air, solid and hazardous waste, water quality and supply, national wetlands and endangered species.

The Controversial Commissioner - Bobbie Jones

Bobbie Jones. No, not that one we see on Sunday mornings on BET's - Bobby Jones Gospel. The County Commissioner, Bobbie Jones who recently told the Times she's through re-hashing the same old rhetoric concerning the salaries Gay and Williford received.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

WWE Tag Team Duo - C. Bruce Rose & James "Jimmy-Jam" Johnson, Wide open in Wide Awake

Hey Fellows,
Have you guys ever heard of the First Amendment? Just in case you missed that part in your refresher EOG class 101 for elected officials, here's your reminder.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

(BTW, WWE =  Wide-Awake Wilson Elected-Officials - Wilson, NC's version of  "Smack-Down Wilson style . This is a classic example of Council's curt and abrupt demeanor towards the citizens of Wilson who come before them to speak and do not necessarily share the thoughts, decisions and actions of the council..)

Wilson Chapter NAACP Meeting Tonight

For Those Interested: It's the 1st Thursday of the month and the NAACP is scheduled to hold it's monthly meeting tonight. It's usually held at the Bradford Resource Center in the Adventura East subdivision at 7pm if you're interested in attending.

In their last meeting, concerned NAACP members made a motion and it was carried that the NAACP would attend the January city council meeting to ask the city to regulate the ordinances concerning the towing issue. With a consenus of votes in favor, it was agreed the newly-elected President, George Leach, who serves as the spokesperson for the local branch would appear before council to address the matter.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Edward Jagnandan's Background Questioned

Recently, after reading an article in the local paper, a concerned citizen had questions about a new administrative building being named for the Wilson Housing Authority executive, Edward Jagnandan.