Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WCDP - New Day or SOS

We're taking a closer look  at our local
Wilson County Dem Party.
Why? Well, the answer is simple. If you signed your name on a dotted line you'd want to know what you're signing up for wouldn't you? Sure you would. And if you don' think so then perhaps you need to think again.

It behooves every single individual who is registered as Democrat in this county to know what's going on in their local party. For far too long, we've sat back and entrusted others to do the right thing on our behalf and in good faith because ...well, we trusted these individuals. 

WE, THE PEOPLE, you and me, we sincerely believed these folks would govern themselves accordingly to the spirit and the heart of the people of this community and county. We believed they would govern and  represent us well with our best interest at heart.

Well guess what folks, it hasn't been such a beautiful day in the neighborhood as Mr. Rogers used to sing. We expected these folks to adhere to the same rules that govern us all. LOL. Yeah RIGHT... With astronomical salaries, backroom wheelin' & dealin', closed door sessions, rewriting the rules and making em' up as they go along, refusing to acknowledge party nominees, withholding public information from the majority, failing to include us all in the democratic process of the local party and the list goes on just to name a few.

Well, 2011 begins with us educating ourselves a little better than we have been when it comes to our local party. The Wilson County Democratic Party. We'll be examing and asking questions we should have been asking all along the way. Not only are we asking - we're EXPECTING answers. And NO, not flippant answers like we've been receiving. Answers given to get folks out your face and off your back. Answers that are so ignorant they make no sense whatsoever. So those who took the call to be local leaders fair warning to you is given now. Citizen Soldiers are equipping themselves and studying to show themselves approved. To be fortold is to be forwarned.

We'll start this series with an article Wilsonian Voices received back in October 2010. It's called Democrat or Dixiecrat and appeared in a newsletter distributed by the Human Justice Coalition.


Publius Neo said...

Good morning Wilsonian Voices! As Third Vice-Chair of the WCDP, I welcomed your comments about the need for Democrats in Wilson to take a more active role in shaping the direction of the party and our community. We the People are responsibile for the leaders that represent us at all levels of government and if we want responsive individuals in government, WE must work to elect quality people and NOT rely on others.

The WCDP is finalizing its calendar of events for the coming spring. We will make this information available to Wilsonian Voices ASAP so your readers know and can plan to help elect Democrats in 2011, 2012, and beyond. In the meantime, if you have any questions please email me at jason.kessler77@gmail.com.

Jason Kessler
3rd Vice-Chair, WCDP

Keeping Us ALL Informed said...

While (they) WCDP finalize their events and activities here is what the NC Democratic party site shows.

2011 Precinct, County, and District Meeting Dates
Posted by on 12-22-10

Dates have been set for the 2011 precinct meetings, county conventions, and the district convention.

They are as follows:

February 26 -- March 11: Two week window for precinct meetings

April 9 -- April 16: County Conventions

May 14: District Convention

Daryl Barber said...

as a former lifelong republican,after having grown weary of the corruption and political patronage of both parties, i changed my party afiliation to unafiliated a few years back.many others are doing the same and most newly registered voters are registering as unafiliated. NC should have an independent party and independent designation. the people of NC finally fed up with 140 years of democratic corruption on the state level overwhelmingly replaced them as the majority in both houses of the NC legislature. we finally got rid of a "Beloved"shady 7 term incumbent sheriff . the roublicans on the state level need to understand , they did not receive a mandate. what they got was a chance for the first time in three generations to prove they can lead with honesty, integrity and transparentcy. if they dont their majority will be short lived and a third independent party(not tea party, most of them are just right wing fanatic republicans who claim to be independents) but a peoples party will emerge.wilson county elected officials and city leaders need a good cleaning out and let the swamp drain while public discontent and sentimate are at a peak, which maybe will lead to less voter apathy and more voter participation in the up coming municipal elections. around 7 percent of registered voters and a few wealthy businessmen and real estate developers have keep these arrogant puppets , who look down their noses with disdain the citizenry,in power so long. its time for new blood, new leadership and get our city headed back in the right direction .

Asa said...

Keeping us ALL Informed,

You are correct. The NCDP posted that calendar of possible dates, as decided by the NC Democratic Party Executive Committee, as per the NCDP plan of Organization. Also per the NCDP P of O, the WCDP met to finalize those dates, within the rights of the County Parties. Once those places, dates and times are finalized, they will be published by the WCDP in the paper, by email and will be shared with this blog.

This is all done within the confines of the rules laid out in the NCDP Plan of Organization. You can find the P of O at ncdp.org. If you need help obtaining a copy, I'll be happy to help.

Thank you for staying involved and keeping everyone informed.

In Peace Always,
Asa Abraham Gregory
1st Vice-Chair, WCDP

Anonymous said...

we'll see how that works for us - everybody doesn't get the paper, your email list is only good for those whose names you have on a list- so how many or few is that? A mailing of a list of registered democrats who voted in the last election and signs around the town like the republicans are currently doing is an excellent way to let Wilson dems know what's going on and when.

barbdant said...

I agree, we need to get the information in time to notify others. We need to be the inclusive Democratic Party of Wilson County. We need to start at the precinct level and get folks involved. It all begins with cooperation and you and I. Stepping up to the plate and working to make our candidates ones we can be proud to go out and represent. The 2012 Election will be here before we know it. All ideas for informing the public of the Democratic Party events need to be explored. Signs around town sounds good to me, block captains in the precincts to call their block, the old fashioned way, notices in the paper, emails, etc. Let's all stick together and keep each other informed. No more last minute meeting calling, we are the New Democratic Party of Wilson County. The excitement and enthusiasm begins with all of us. We are the party of all people.

Always, Barbara Dantonio

Asa said...

Democrats of Wilson County!:

I am happy to share the information of 2 Democratic events coming up!

#1 The Democratic Women of NC (DWNC)
Region 8 will be meeting at
Wilber's Barbecue in Goldsboro,
NC this Saturday February 19 at
10am. If you are a Democratic
Woman in Wilson County, then
you are welcome and urged to

Address is: 4172 U.S. 70
Goldsboro, NC 27534
(919) 778-5218

Please attend!

#2 2011 Wilson County Democratic
Party Precinct Meeting

is set for

Monday February 28, 2011


Darden Alumni Center
1600 Lipscomb Road
Wilson, NC


On behalf of Chair Millicent Graves and all the other officers of the Wilson County Democratic Party, I extend a hearty, enthusiastic, excited invitation to all Wilson Dems to come on out to either event (women only at the first one, obviously)!!

We will share information on future events (including the County Convention) when they are finalized!

If anyone has any questions, I can be reached at asagregory@gmail.com or by phone at (252) 289-4618

Asa said...


I ask all Wilson County Democrats who are frequently web savvy to join the official Facebook group at:


All join requests will be tended to ASAP. I will manage those personally and I look forward to approving hundreds of requests!!

In Peace Always,
1st Vice-Chair, WCDP

Anonymous said...

Anyone who votes for a candidate solely because of his/her political party is not an independent thinker. People should weigh each candidate's merits based on qualifications, not blindly voting for a candidate simply because of the political party he/she belongs to.