Thursday, February 3, 2011

WWE Tag Team Duo - C. Bruce Rose & James "Jimmy-Jam" Johnson, Wide open in Wide Awake

Hey Fellows,
Have you guys ever heard of the First Amendment? Just in case you missed that part in your refresher EOG class 101 for elected officials, here's your reminder.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

(BTW, WWE =  Wide-Awake Wilson Elected-Officials - Wilson, NC's version of  "Smack-Down Wilson style . This is a classic example of Council's curt and abrupt demeanor towards the citizens of Wilson who come before them to speak and do not necessarily share the thoughts, decisions and actions of the council..)

In a recent, city council meeting, check out Mr. Mayor's attitude and dispositon towards a citizen commenting on an issue and commending a fellow citizen. Check it out for yourself. Here's the video.
ROUND 1 - Wilson Mayor - Infringing on the freedom of speech.

You can't tell by this photo, but folks who know James "JJ" Johnson often describe him as combative, argumentative, rude & disrespectful. He's been quoted as commenting citizens are stupid and angry.

He is quite often "flippant" in his comments when residents come to speak before council as you can tell in this snippet and the January council meeting is no different. Here's his latest rant.
ROUND 2 - Wilson Councilman's speech is"abrupt and curt" towards citizen. 

Speaking, candidly and openly before Council, inspite of the "tag-team duo's" efforts and threats to sit him down and shut him up, fellow Wilsonian, Mike Radford, simply tells it like it is as he shares his viewpoints concerning the proposed Sanderson farms poultry plant in Nash County.

ROUND 3 - The Bottomline - Citizen Delivers the Knock Out Punch. 

Photo credit - Rose & Johnson - City of Wilson website


a fed up concerned taxpaying citizen said...

Emperor Rose and Emperor-protem Johnson need to understand the public comment section is for members of the public to issue their comments without intimidation or interruption by the idiots on council. keep you mouths shut and if you choose to comment or respond after the citizens comments are thru then have at it. Rose is such an arrogant jerk and thinks he is a dictator and tries to intimidate mebers of the public if they have an opinion differing from his own.

Anonymous said...

If citizens are really serious about getting rid of Bruce Rose, James Johnson, AP Coleman and Gwen Burton now is the time to start talking to other folks in our neighborhoods to run for these offices. If you really do mean business.

Anonymous said...

You called it perfect. They are a tag team. Watch em at the council meeting whenever you can catch it

Anonymous said...

Their antics borders that of a dictator.