Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Democrat or Dixiecrat

Democrat or Dixiecrat

Let me begin this story by giving you the definition of Dixiecrat. It was a former political party formed in 1948 by Democrats from southern states in order to oppose the candidacy of Harry S. Truman. The splintered Democratic Party could not come to terms on quite a few issues including Civil Rights and Integration.

So fast forward to 2010 and the Democratic Party is again divided. At least back in the day they had the decency enough to start their own party. Today to the shame of many Democrats they are trying to blend in supporting candidates in other Parties and expect no one to notice. This is a country of rights and you have a right to support who you choose, but get off of the Executive Board of the Democratic Party, if you don’t support the Democratic Candidates.

Why would I make a statement like that, well let me take you to the meeting the Democratic Party had at of all places the Wilson County Courthouse. We were there to fill the gaps in our leadership because of a forced resignation. It had taken forever for the Party to get the resignation of the Past President. (who by the way….participated far too much in the Primary with a certain candidate) I guess no one bothered to tell him that the President of the Party was suppose to be neutral and this is the important part and suppose to support the WINNER!!!

Where did we get this guy from… Back to the story, you really are not going to believe this part. He is still on the Executive Board of the Democratic Party and before the meeting was over, some un-named person stood up and suggested that we all give Chris Boykin a round of applause and the man with the pens jumped up and suggested we stand while doing this. I sat there stunned and looked around the room at people that were supposed to be intelligent or at least have common sense. I could find only a few, who looked as bewildered as I.

They wanted to applaud a man who had just been holding the Party hostage, could barely conduct a meeting and I don’t think he ever heard of Robert’s Rules of Order. He had a secretary that took no minutes and never notified Democrats of the meetings or upcoming events. Out of 24 precincts only 6 were organized. He never returned calls to concerned party members and the list goes on…. He still not supporting the Democratic candidate and no one has asked him to excuse himself from the Executive Board. Why is he still on the board and what good can he be? And he is not the only one.

We really should clean house and stop supporting candidates that support this kind of BULL!! The stakes are too high for us to sit silently and let them back door our rights away. Stop letting them take our votes for granted.

So I ask you Democrat or Dixiecrat.

Article written by HJC Media. Copyrights Reserved. Permission to reprint


Anonymous said...

Back-dooring our rights away is an interesting. Think they've already starting. A recent statewide meeting didn't include all involved in the local party who should have.So it really does look like it business as usual for these folks just new faces doing the same old thing. Is that the reason these folks got the recommendation from the old party leaders to keep doing the same old party things? We think not.

SOS said...

ROFLMAO...guess whose at the back door...Gay, Boykin,Little Colonel Sanders, Hunt, Jones speaking on behalf of the black folks around here and the rest of the gang ellis williford, sid boyette, and the list goes on.... LOL

Anonymous said...

I,too, was shocked at the Democratic Party Meeting in August, 2010, that someone would even suggest that we clap for Chris Boykin, former WCD Chair. He was the epitome of poor leadership to say the least. He chose to hold our party back by doing nothing. Not to decide is to decide and that is exactly what he did. May 5th, he should have called Calvin Woodard and offered his support. Instead he holed up in the Sheriff's Office and did nothing. Did not return phone calls, emails or accept visitors. His leadership style was to hide and hunker down, hoping that it would all pass unnoticed. It did not and I, for one, did not clap. I was appalled that we would be thanking someone for screwing us over. Holding the party hostage while he waffled on what he was going to do. He should have been ashamed of himself for his poor leadership and not even showed up at the meeting. It took Gwen Wilkins, then Chair of the 1st Democratic District and the Courageous 6 to give him the exit message. What part of this message did the proposer of the call to clap and the proposer of the call to stand and clap not get? Please read your Democratic Party Plan of Organization if you have any doubts about what his position was supposed to be and how he violated the trust of the Democratic Party in Wilson County. It was a sad day in the history of Wilson County Democratic Party when we had to recall the Chair due to lack of performance. Well it is a new day and forces are banding together to get this county where it should be. The Democratic Party of Wilson County should be inclusive, not exclusive. We want to be informed of what decisions are being made. We refuse to stand behind those who do not remain open and honest. We are educating ourselves on what is expected and will call you on your lack of performance if that happens.