Friday, March 19, 2010

AfterThoughts:Citizen Recaps Meeting

Guest Blogger: JoAnn Samuels Wood
Citizens' United For Change
Interesting night. Many folks, all hurting and frustrated by utility bills taking most of their income over the past few months, gathered on the courthouse stairs to express our need for answers...a City Council meeting where so much on all sides of the issue was put out for consideration... I now feel I need to step back and think...
Several good things, Alonzo Braggs presented a clear and concise expression that the people are here to stay and to work together to resolve this issue, as long as the City Council will work for the good of the people of Wilson. Rebecca Newton spoke about the need for transparency and accountability in government. We heard lots of figures tossed about and we heard that many of the figures we have seen on FB are wrong?? I was impressed with Mr. Grant Goings, City Manager, who said the City was wrong to use the disportionate billing periods - the very first time I heard anyone from the City admit any responsibility. This is the first time while hearing a City official that I wasn't made feel that I had been a grossly incompetent consumer of utilities because it was such a cold winter and now I'm paying for it. (That story has grown old, and the speaker that followed who, although well intended, lectured on keeping your doors shut and cutting down your thermostat and using energy efficient light bulbs was extremely off course.) He also discussed ways the City is going to try to work with the people - the first person, other than Councilman Pitt, who has expressed the concerns of the people in Wilson from a more concerned point of view. Granted we have a long, long way to go, and everyone must stay together on this.

Councilman Evans, of all persons, is going to make a motion that the Council establishes a Utilities Advisory Committee that would consist of citizens and business people to work with the city on this issue. It was frustrating to hear several individuals, who obviously have wonderful jobs and huge salaries (one an owner of a large company and another a representative of the Economic Dev Council) talk about what a wonderful job the city has done (I'm sure both pay their light bills the day they arrive without even thinking). So, out of 3200 people in this group, I'm sure others who saw the meeting have better thoughts...I need your input as I try to digest all of the info. I just know we can't stop the fight now. Good to sleep on this... Thanks to everyone for your diligence and hard work, and come on everyone else so we can continue to see progress...