Friday, March 26, 2010

ElectriCities Annual Conference 2010

Oops! Forgot "They" ain't calling it that no more though. OK - here's a riddle for y'all.

What does Myrtle Beach SC and ElectriCities in Raleigh NC have in common? Perhaps we all need to contact Mr.Gregg Welch and inquire.

The Business of Public Power: Delivering Value, Managing Costs Public Power Policymakers Conference (formerly the ElectriCities Annual Conference) August 12-14, 2010 More information will be available soon. Please contact Gregg Welch at (800)768-7697 ext. 6353 with questions.

Wonder if they'd let us hang out wid em' at the Big Shin'Dig in Myrtle Beach. Got camper will travel. OK... So . . . who wants to go?


Anonymous said...

"It says clearly (formerly Electricites annual meeting) . I guess they figure the heat has died down some and they can start back the luxurious retreats again . just backdoor it in so us stupid consumers wont know any better. they have overcharged us so long they believe they will not have to raise rates in the next five years in the east. What does that tell us. They overcharged too much to begin with and they can go back to their high-roller big and free spending ways. "

Anonymous said...

We ought to get somebody to be in place down there and video tape the happenings. What goes on in SC don't gotta stay in SC