Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Don't Chastise Citizens Mr. Wiggins

The Headline: “ Don’t blame current council for 30 year-old decision.” An interesting perspective shared by some and not by others. It depends on who you ask. Everyone has an opinion. And it’s true you are entitled to yours.

Statements read with confidence at a council meeting do not validate the speaker as being politically accurate or correct. There are others in the community who may view your way of thinking as being a bit "clouded and construed."

The city’s current dilemma, Mr. Wiggins has nothing to do with blame. Please don't get it twisted. However, it has everything to do with “accountability.” The callous comments you read that insinuated your fellow Wilsonians were “blaming” city council for a 30 year old decision served as an insult to the integrity of this community. You affront us all with your anal viewpoint.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree, the citizens of this city have a right, legally and constitutionally to voice their concerns to local elected officials regarding unethical procedures, practices and policies when it comes to the affairs and well being of this community.

Who are you to say differently. . .

Any suggestion to silence the cry of the citizens’ signals scornful contempt on your part. It is also an indicator that you and those that think like you really have no clue the consensus of this community and you do not grasp the severity of the situation at hand. Wilsonians are struggling with this utility issue. Many in this community especially the seniors and elders on fixed incomes are suffering and seek relief. Businesses are bleeding, hemorrhaging and a bandage is not a solution. Citizens can ill afford to wait 16 years for reprieve they need today.

How dare “YOU” say WE, The People have no right to hold local officials unaccountable. The devil is a lie and looks a lot like you with a suit on. If that’s a "wee bit" too ethnic for you get a translator. If you know someone.

Mr. Wiggins, you came before council per the request of council to help them in their PR blitz in their attempt to diffuse the attention the utility issue has brought to the city. Your presence and presentation was rehearsed and orchestrated. It was very evident you’d been coached on what you needed to do for the evening. We reference your leaping to the podium in a single bound from your seat to be the first speaker as seen on the council meeting program that’s currently being aired. You had to make sure you were first to set the tone for the rest of the council’s guest speakers for the evening. Oh and by the way that was a perfect example of the definition of "GRANDSTANDING" and council had the nerve to talk about the citizens. No one does it better than the city. But that's another blog post coming soon.

Mr. Wiggins, you were not there on behalf of the people. You were present to play politics on behalf of the city. You did your part. Now let's see we bet you won't be so quick to share with the rest of us what was passed under the table for you to make that special appearance now would you?

Just in case you missed it - we're gonna say it ONE MORE TIME ...

The city’s current dilemma, Mr. Wiggins has nothing to do with blame. It has everything to do with “accountability.” AND IF THE CITIZENS SO DESIRE TO COME BEFORE COUNCIL TO VOICE THEIR OPINIONS & CONCERNS - Who are YOU to say differently. . . There's a lesson to be learned about minding your own "beeswax." You need to get it. Sir. And by the way have a nice day!