Thursday, August 12, 2010

Anybody, Nobody, Somebody, and Everybody

An important job had to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Some folks have lost their mind or really working hard at doing so. And then there is also the possibility that they never really had one in the first place. They're what you might call "Functioning Fools." They've been idiots all their lives but have managed to live their lives in such a way they've fooled folks into thinking they're pretty sharp and smart. They have convinced folks they know what they're talking about and have all the right answers all the time. Interesting. Let's go back down memory lane for a minute.

Remember the commercial - You Can Learn a lot from a Dummy. Well you can. And an Idiot too.
If you pay close attention. Let's take a look at a comment taken from the Wilson Times article Dems want chair out.

Say again? said...I read the article, including the letter. I question the statement that Mr. Boykin "has not endorsed and refuses to acknowledge" Mr. Woodard. I also can't see how Mr. Boykin has supported the opposing party's candidate, failed to perform the duties of his job, or been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude. And is it Mr. Boykin who is causing "community chaos with racial undertones," or this group of petitioners who all happen to be African-American? Saturday, August 07, 2010 at 1:00 PM

To Say Again? ... Question what you want. Boykin, being the chair for the Wilson Democratic party has not openly or publicly endorsed the winner of the May primary who won the right to be the Democratic nominee for the Wilson County Sheriff's race.

(Say Again) then says... they can't see how Mr. Boykin has supported the opposing party's candidate, failed to perform his duties, etc., Well, Say Again, if you read the letter as you claimed you missed a portion that referenced the NC Democratic Party Plan of Organization. We suggest you re-read section 10.01 Grounds for Removal.

The facts are as is, Boykin according to the quote made by former Governor Jim Hunt to the Wilson Times (quote) "The chair, Chris Boykin, is a good man," Hunt said. "He is supporting the other candidate and is expected to resign." (unquote).

And to address your comment about the signers of the letter who all happen to be African American ... so what if they are?

Regardless of the ethnicity of any individual the people have the right to request procedure be followed and protocol taken in such a matter as this. Perhaps if you weren't so busy playing the role of the devil's advocate you would clearly and plainly see the "negative divide" Boykin's course of actions have taken in this community.

You also write, "And is it Mr. Boykin who is causing "community chaos with racial undertones," or this group of petitioners who all happen to be African-American." No. Not solely. In addition to "idiotic imbeciles" who speak up for injustice and wrongdoings in this community, such as yourself and against those who want to see fairness, justice, decency and honor prevail in this county. The process to request Boykin's removal required three signatures from Democrats in this county. No matter what they looked liked.

Regardless of the color of one's skin, what side of town you reside, the socio-economic status or what church you attend on any given Saturday or Sunday, the people who call this community home all have a voice.  We are Wilsonian Voices. We all have the opportunity, a right, the privilege and responsibility to hold those in power accountable for their actions and deeds. Silence condones consent. Our voices remain silent no more. WE ARE WIDE-AWAKE WILSON. Old Fashioned Charm with a Modern twist. You need to catch the wave. One Wilson, Growing Together, Well-Connected. That's the Wilson 20/20 Vision. C'mon sing with us . . . Oh, say can't you see!


Anonymous said...

Okay, it is true, I have been all of those people in the last few weeks. When Gwen Wilkins gave us the information we needed to relieve Chris Boykin of his duties, I said to myself, let us give him a week to do the right thing. After all, maybe he just didn't realize that he is no longer welcome as the Democratic Chair of Wilson County because he is clearly not doing his job. The signs are all there, maybe he just hasn't read the paper. So I waited until last Thursday night and I decided, that's it, I have had it, it has been 3 months, 90+ days, something has to be done. I emailed Gwen Wilkins and told her I would sign. I will go and do it, enough already. My mother and father taught me what is right and what is wrong. They taught me to stand up and speak up when things are not right. I received an email from Gwen early Friday, like 6 am. She would come and bring the papers to Wilson. Did I know of two other people that might sign was her questions? I sent out some emails and had one by mid morning. More calls, more conversations. I was ready. I would do it. I called Gwen in the early afternoon and she said she was contacted by another and they would sign also, now we had the three. But alas, it was not to be because a courageous group of six came forward earlier in the day and did the deed. It had been done. Thank you to all who did take the time and initiative to do the right thing and ask Mr. Boykin to officially step down. Thanks to all who made an effort. It was the right thing to do. Somewhere the must be some very proud parents who taught their children right from wrong and instilled in them the courage to step forward and do the right thing as adults. Thanks again for the article. By the way, I am white and so was the other person who was willing to step forward. I do not know what race the other person who was willing to step forward was. Why do I not know, I guess because I never asked. It has never been a race thing. It is a race for Sheriff and a fine one Calvin Woodard will be. Barbara

The Whistler's Daughter said...

Thank you for your words of encouragement. We did what we did because it was the right thing to do. Doing nothing meant consent and we do not agree with what we see. If I may make a suggestion to you, please follow through on what you've said you would do. Yes, we delivered the letter to the State Democratic party and yes it's in their hands, but you know what I strongly believe if they hear from other Wilsonians and if we offer to them and show them the diverse voices from within this community they will hear us even clearer. So send forth your letter and express your views as we've expressed ours. Let's show the party the majority of Wilsonians are not in agreement with how this local chapter is doing business. WE CAN ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE WHEN IT COMES TO DOING THE RIGHT THING... Thx much Barbara.

Anonymous said...

You are quite welcome, Whistler's Daughter, I will send a letter to the state. Actually, I contacted David Young, the State Chair twice via email and have heard nothing from him. I am sure he received my emails concerning this matter. I sent them July 12th and again around the 20th. I wonder if this did get the interest of Gwen Wilkins. I have had several conversations with her but have not thought to ask. I am off this week and have several things to take care of, that will be one of them. United we stand, divided we fall especially when it comes to doing the right thing. Barbara

The Wilson Watchdog said...

Chris Boykin has resigned. Now that it's over our duty and obligation to ourselves is to make sure we're a part of the process that's coming up. Millicent Graves has 30 days to call a meeting to replace Boykin. IF you are a registered democrat in this county and you're truly concerned about the welfare and well-being of Wilson County -you need to be at the meeting. And you need to bring 2 of your friends with you. SERIOUSLY! One of the reasons we've found ourselves in this mess is because WE, THE PEOPLE trusted those in whom we thought we could trust to carry out the duties and perform the task to represent ALL not a select few. WELL...we've been there done that. We need to bring democracy back to the Wilson County Democratic party. Citizens need to do their part. Woodard said he'd bring the Sheriff's Department back to the people. SO what that means to me is that WE, THE PEOPLE - Willing Wilsonians need to play a major part in helping to make that happen. Stop depending on somebody, anybody and everybody else to make this happen. Wilson belongs to us ALL...I AM A WILSONIAN AND I'M WILLING TO HELP MAKE THIS HAPPEN...WON'T YOU JOIN ME and others who believe. And when you find out when and where the meeting will be held... let us all know. That's part of the problem now - too much secrecy amongst the select few. They don't want us to know so they can do what they wanna and place their own in key positions. Well, no mas!!! NOT NO MORE!!! We need to take a great big bite out of crime in this city. There's no better time than now - starting with Chris Boykin and Wayne Gay. Wilsonians don't want to be identified as a crooked and corrupt people and place to live across this state and country. Robin Pridgen did his time now it's time for some others to do theirs.