Monday, August 2, 2010

Citizens' Comments on Chris Boykin

An old democrat said... Boykin has never spoke for me or represented my ideas. He was only in that position to promote himself for one day becoming sheriff. Hunt, Butterfield, and Emory all knew this and supported it. I'm glad it has came back to bite them and Boykin has showed his true self as Gay did. I support Woodard in hopes that he will take the crooked politics out of the sheriff office and put honest law enforcement back in there. I know there are alot of honest deputies there but there are a few who have to go.

GrayFox said... Do I have this right?...(1)Boykin is a Major with WCSO, (2)the Chairman of the Wilson County Democratic Party,(3)the former Chairman of the Committee to re-elect Wayne Gay for Sheriff (4) and supports the unaffilliated candidate Farmer for Sheriff. It should have never came down to this, he should have resigned from being the Chairman of the Democratic party when he became the Chairman of Gay's committee. He is only remaining in the position now to undermine Woodard's election in the November. I know politics is a dirty game but when a law enforcement officer chooses to engage in something as corrupt as this, it is a reflection of his character. I would hope that Farmer did not support this tactic, if so, at the least, that shows poor judgement on his part. It can't be all about just winning at any cost to become Sheriff. The next Sheriff has to restore integrity to the office. And to restore it, he must have this integrity within himself now.

to good ole girl said...
Believe me they don't want to go there, because there is a lot more dirt on them then they care to have exposed. But if they want to play that way, I am sure others will as well!

methiks said... can someone please explain what Mr. Boykin is suppose to do in support of Mr. Woodard and hasn't done? I am not following this one.

lucama said said... well now I have a little more respect for the party,butremember this is local.

Concerned said... People who vote for candidates simply because of the political party they belong to need to learn to be independent thinkers. The very idea that I would vote for someone because they belong to a certain group is preposterous. I don't see any indication that Mr. Boykin "directly or indirectly, gives support to, aids or helps any opposing political party or candidate of any opposing party, or who refuses or fails to perform his or her duties..." either. So why should he be asked to resign? And as to the "good old boys" network and Wilson County needing to be "cleaned up," people who believe that need to know that any inconsistencies in the sheriff's department would have been discovered by the checks and balances that are in place. Farmer said: "No matter which party you belong to, you can vote for who you feel is the most qualified candidate."

said... that wasnt the way you felt until the dems turned out your boss by a two to one margin by all races and socio-economic classes. now anybody that would cast a vote your way is would be funny if it wasnt so sad the lengths some people will go to try to try hold onto power. LOL

Please explain said... Without the slinging of mud or otherwise, I am very interested in an explaination from Mr. Boykin. It seems logical that he should willingly remove himself as chairman. Why hold onto something you don't believe in? Please make a statement Mr. Boykin.

because there is none said... someone asked why no one is slinging mud about woodard. its because there is no mud to be slung. they have tried to make it racial but that didn't work. they tried not to let his own party back him but now thats back firing too. they can't dig skeletons out of an open closet. whoever said this is now going to be like obama surely is speaking out of pure prejudgice because woodard only offers a department that is fair to the county and fair to his employees. it should not matter what color he is. look at who is playing the dirty cards and you will see that the deck was delt when sheriff gay lost and the plan was made that night for farmer to run. they have set this up from the beginning because they are afraid of what might be found out in the end. if sheriff gay thinks so much about his people and his county then ask one of his guys where he has been for the last 3 months. i ride by their office several times everyday and i haven't seen his vehicle in the parking lot for a long time. i reckon the county is paying him $144,000 to take a 7 month vacation.

IDEFYI40 said... Who are the "good old boys"? What is there to be cleaned up? It's very easy to throw accusations around in an anonymous posting, it's another thing to prove them. These comments hold the validity of someone accusing Calvin Woodard of being in league with the Legion of Doom. The amount of maturity exhibited in most of these comments is laughable, and the WDT shows a degree of carelessness in allowing these comments to be made anonymously.

good ole girl said... Good ole girls and boys know when to keep their mouths shut. We were raised with the standards that if you don't have something nice to say or KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE TOPIC then the best thing to do is keep your mouth closed. I do hope that all the talkers in Wilson find out exactly why people choose not to support Mr. Calvin Woodard before they vote for him. I wish some of those good ole boys would get off their horses and start slinging some mud.

twindad said... For the chairman of the Democratic Party not to support the candidate of the Democratic Party, there has to be a DEEPLY-ROOTED reason. I wonder what it is??????

aw come on now said... maybe all the good'll boys are afraid that someone might come in and CLEAN UP wilson county. lord knows it needs to be done.

twindad said... The chairman of the Wilson County Democratic Party cannot bring himself to support the Democratic Party candidate for sheriff. No problem. This is a free country, and no one can tell him what to do. But, he certainly CANNOT continue to be the leader of the Democratic Party. According to the rules, he should be removed from office. I wonder why Boykin doesn't support Woodard????

he should have been gone along time ago said... he shouldnt be allowed to resign. he should be fired. he should have recused himself instead of looking out for the special interest and doind everything he could to allow his long time unchallenged boss in power.

AM Uh Oh said... Does Woodard really want to hitch his wagon to Butterfield? Does Wilson really want a "Mini-Obama" running the sheriff's office? He is saying the same things..."I will give them (Wilson citizens) a sheriff's office that is transparent and an open door for all citizens." Fool us once, shame on you; Fool us twice, shame on us.

its about time said... Boykin should have been gone along time ago. it just goes to show the Wilson County democratic party isnt about party . its about good ole boys, money, who you know , cronyism, nepotism and all the corruption and special interest you canh get away with. time to replace all of them. Wayne gay is a good start. the county commissioners should be next unless you want a big tax increase next year.and the four long term entrenched incumbents on city council next november Coleman, Johnson III, Burton and the wizard of waste , the honorable Bruce Rose. lets eee if the isiots of Wilson and QWilson county have finally come to their senses. probably not. LOL

*Comments appeared in the Wilson Times under the article Resignation Demanded written by Times writer Janet Conner-Knox


Wilsonian Voices Administrators said...

To Grayfox... Thx. Your comments were used as part of the letter given to the State Democratic party that has requested the removal of Chris Boykin from the chair position here in Wilson. Wilsonian Voices working together to make a difference. It WORKS!

Anonymous said...

I think Boykin should stay as long as he can. A letter has been sent to Raleigh, which was made available for reading on the newspaper's website. I don't think any of the allegations made in the letter can be substantiated. IF Raleigh differs, it's still going to take a while for all of the meetings to be held to remove Boykin. And the committees in Raleigh may agree that no wrong has been done by Boykin. I would never vote for any candidate based on his political party...that's just mindless voting. A vote should be for the most qualified candidate regardless of political party. By the way...why was it that all the petitioners who signed the letter to Raleigh were African-Americans? Could their complaints be construed as racially motivated?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who's concerned about all the petitioners being African American...So what? What's it to you? And can your ignorance be construed as stupidity. Just wondering. The party has rules that Boykin is clearly not abiding by. You do have a point though, let Boykin stay - the longer he drags his feet the more he angers the good citizens of Wilson who do stand for justice and fairness. Hopefully they'll send a message loud and clear and vote for Woodard. Talk about a game plan gone wrong.....LOL

Anonymous said...

I am with the previous writer, what difference does it make what color the petitioners were. Absolutely none, there were many others of all races, who have also voiced their wish to have Boykin removed. This is 2010, race is not an issue here, so get over it. Educate yourself on the merits of the candidates and the company they keep. The game plan has gone all wrong. The longer Boykin stays, the more people who may have voted for Farmer are coming to the Woodard side. Why? Because Farmer continues to associate himself with Boykin and does not have the guts to tell Boykin to step down because what he is doing is wrong. That is not the kind of Sheriff we need, someone who thinks it is okay to keep an organization like the Wilson County Democratic Party from functioning by refusing to answer phone calls, emails or even visits. I guess they have played their games so long they have forgotten about justice and fairness but a new day is coming in November. Thank you Calvin Woodard for coming along at a time when we really need you to bring integrity, fairness and justice back to the Sheriff's Department.