Friday, September 17, 2010

COMMENTS - Campaigns Kick in Gear

Here's what folks are saying about the Wilson Times article "Campaigns kick in gear."


Target said...
It was not tax dollars that bought the cars and and was not Farmers doing. Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 3:26 PM

Back to target said... I know the cars were denied by the county but somehow, hocus pocus, and money was found in the departments budget to still buy cars. It just goes to show you that they have alot of money in other places that was being wasted so they moved it over to buy the vehicles. All this will be changed when someone can come in, look at their books, and see where our tax dollars were being spent to help fatten only certain peoples pockets. If Farmer is using "we need vehicles" as part of his campaign then he can explain where the money magically came from. After all, he's the one that designed the wasteful budget. Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 9:07 AM

Target said... I am supporting Buck myself. I just find it odd that its ok for the democratic candidate for sheriff to be doing it too. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 8:12 PM

to target said... Calvin if he is supporting Buck newton its beacuase he supports the best man regardless of party like my self and not a bunch of special interest crooks like AQ B "show me the money "swindell who besides all his specail interest cronyism , takes extortion tainted corruption campaign contributions from his felony convicted hunting buddies. he is the poster boy for corrutption and special interst and cronyism in nc , the mosy corrupt state in the country from city hall to the governors mansion. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 4:19 PM

Target said...1 True statement: The last 2 years all money request for new cars have been denied by the county commissioners. Ask somebody that knows. 2 The people who told me about Calvins shabby detective work were people he was investigating for while at the wcso. 3 Why is Calvin supporting Buck Newton and not Swindell or Marshall? Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 1:26 PM

if the idiotic coun ty commissioners finally refused wayne gay something in its budget said... it is the first time. as for the cruisers, at the countyshop beside the abc store on 301 i see alot of replacement cars being replaced with the new dodge chargers. i always heard wayne would not always go along with the state contract where municipalities get the same bid price for cars as the state and paid highway for fords, that he preferred whn we could have got chevs or other models at a cheaper price. actually the v-6 chargers are much better on gas than the hemis and certainly the big v-8 crown victorias and alot cheaper and will go as fast as most deputies need to go, as proven by the exam[ple where the deputy was going so fast he lost controll of his car , could have killed himself or innocent civilians and tottaaled a county car that had to be replaced. the newer model cars if properly maintained can get well over 100k useful life .Gay even though he didnt deserve it , was considered the most powerful politician in wilson county and one of the most powerful in the state (even though he won the first time in a five way race by just a few votes and never had any seriuos democratic challenger in a democratically controlled county and only token reoublican challengers once or twice). he was not universally revered and beloved by the citizenry. he was considered a cold , blooded special interest politician , backed by a few wealthy attornies and affluent benefactors that seemed invinsible and amny felt intimidated or futile would be any effort to unseat this product of the Robin Pridegen corruption era. Calvi made the bold and courageous step to challenge the machine and overwhelmiongly won and now has to win a second time against the wayne gay machine. i will be so glad to see this trainted and special interest corrupt sheriffs administaration ousted once and for all. the people of this county deserve no less finally. now if they only had sense enough to replace the democratic majority on the county commissioners and get rid of hunt dot political patronage crony cousin bobbie "sid " boyette and AB "show me the money " Swindell in the state senate. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 10:11 AM

Please... said... Don't know who you have been talking to, but I am sure that it is Farmer or someone in his camp. Woodard was one of the best detectives the sheriff's office has ever had. And believe me, you DO NOT want to start talking about skeletons in anyones closet! Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 10:07 PM

Back To Target said... And there lies your problem. I'm going off what I know where you are going off what you've heard. If they've been refused vehicles for the last 2 years then why is there new cars sitting in the parking lot of the sheriff's department. If Woodard was not an outstanding detective then why, if it were even true, would Gay help him get a job with the SBI. Sounds like their actions alone prove that they are telling you lies. And yes, you will see that there are no skeletons in Calvin's closet. Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 9:55 PM

Target said... 1 Being eligible and being financially able are two different things. 2 I would hate to know I was the boss and all my employees were trying to take my job. I am proud of Farmer for waiting for the right time. 3 I dont know the numbers for salaries but I do know there has been no money for cars in 2 years and some private donations have been made for equipment. Niether candidate can squeeze water out of a rock. 4 What Ive been told is just the opposite. Unclosed cases at the SBI and local testimonials from people dissatisfied with his case work as a detective. As for the skeletons we will see. Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 8:59 PM

did they report to farmer or wayne gay said... how many people did wayne gay have report to him when he was a clerk at the tobacco compnay and the sheriff office had three detectives when he was detective lieutenent and how many had he prviuosly supervised before he was first elected sheriff. for that matter how many people had barack obama suopervissed before he beacame president? Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 8:44 PM

how many people said... have reported to Calvin over the years and how many has Farmer had to supervise? Thats one of my top questions b/c you can't learn overnight how to manage employees and if that experience is not there then I am worried. Running a shift is no easy task I am sure-just hope whoever is elected has ran one before and knows the ins and outs!Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 7:35 PM

TO TO TARGET said... Answer #1.Yes I do know that Farmer could have retired a couple of years ago. He said that himself. You can retire with full benefits with 30 years in NC and he reached that a couple of years ago by his own statement. Answer#2. There is loyalty in politics and that is the problem here. When your loyalty to one person outweighs your responcibility to alot of others, then it is wrong. He has said himself that things needed to be fixed and that he wouldn't do it because Gay was Sheriff and he would still be working for Gay if Gay would have won. That means he wouldn't be trying to fix them even now.
Answer #3. I think Woodard can save money where money is being wasted. There is money being wasted for supplies and inventory that are bought through third party contracts that add additional cost to the items for their own profit. Woodard will not be going to the county board looking just for a raise for himself and his administration. The public can ask the county for these numbers. You can see the years that the Sheriff and Farmer got a raise while no one else did. Answer #4. I do know Calvin and I've known him for the last several years of his career. I work with another agency outside of this county and I have worked several cases with him while he has been at both the WCSO and the SBI. He is by far the best investigator that I've dealt with. He is professional, honest, up front, organized, trustworthy, respectful, and has the ability to talk to all different types of our society. I've worked cases that seemed to be dead ends and he came in and turned over every stone until he found something that helped us solve the case. He didn't do it for the glory, he did it because it was the right thing to do. He carries a pride about himself that he will lay down for anyone to see. So do I think his character is spotless, NO, because only Jesus was a perfect man. But, Calvin has no skeletons in his closet, because if there were, Gay would have drug them out the first go round and Farmer would be using them now. Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 1:45 PM

to to to target said... Do you know if John was in a position to be able to retire two years ago? If not what was he suppose to do? Is there no such thing as loyalty in politics? What part of this county is bad? Do you really think Calvin will have the power to generate more money for the wcso than John will? That is the only thing that will make difference here. Aside from that do you know anything about Calvins past and is his character spotless? Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 10:42 AM

To to target said... You are either the same person that has said this before, or you, like many, have fallen victim to Farmer's ploy. I'm not saying John could have ran for sheriff while he was employed there. That is actually illegal. However, John could have retired a couple of years ago, not still be employeed by Sheriff Gay, and ran for sheriff against him. You want to make it seem as if Farmer had no choice in the matter when he did. The truth is, John did not see things as being bad. He was part of the way things were running. He was sticking around so that the position could be handed down to him, and he said himself, that if the sheriff would have won he would not even be running now. There is no way to explain this other than saying Farmer respected Wayne more than he cared about this county or he didn't see anything that needed to be changed. Either way, he has lied to us all in what he has said and you have fell victim to Gay's promise to do "whatever it takes" to keep his administration in place. Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 9:41 AM

to target said... I am glad you have the sense to remian quiet but I want the others on here to see you are the perfect example of why FARMER never ran against Gay. Most people dont realize the challenges of working for an elected official. Monday, September 13, 2010 at 6:59 AM

Target said... If the deputies go around with Woodard and put up his signs, the will be fired. That would be one sure way of putting a target on your back. Wilson has already retired and is currently working part time. Im a deputy and wish I could openly support my canidate, but I also have a family to put before an election. If I didnt care about my family I would jump out and be able to shift votes, but Im not that stupid. Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 9:18 PM

funny said... Im sorry I forgot they were all EX lawenforcement who didnt fit in elsewhere so they are looking a new home. Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 7:55 PM

XXX said... Were you at the relay for life? You might have seen then. Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 7:52 PM

XX said... Don't see them walking around and putting up signs with Woodard as Wilson does with Farmer. I also don't see them giving quotes in the paper as Wilson has done here. Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 7:16 PM

deputies said... There are other deputies openly supporting and campaigning for Woodard. Is that ok or ethical? Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 12:48 PM

Question for ya'll said... How can we have an administration that is in the TOP 5% of the state in salaries and everyone else falls in the BOTTOM 5%? Maybe since Farmer has been doing the budget so long he can tell us how his pocket kept getting fatter while the employees under him didn't get squat. Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 11:49 AM

? said... Isn't it aginst county and election policy for an employee (Major Wilson) of the sheriff's office to actively campaign for someone running for public office? And if not illegal, once would think at least unethical. So basically Major Wilson's endorsement of Farmer is ok? I find that hard to believe. Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 10:19 PM

sings said... Farmers signs were put up by him and a couple of volunteers. None who were getting paid. People who post things on here that dont know the facts should just read and not type anything. Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 2:14 PM

to:methinks said... u make good points. one advantage to retiring from law enforcement is that we receive a state supplement. if or when we continue to work, our monthly supplement income decrases. in reality one retiring from law enforcement could bring home about 500 more a month than normal. Farmer kept working because he loved his job. Lets think about it though. How does one get promoted in a Sheriff's Office? Its all in who one knows. Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 9:49 AM

to no doubt. said... Farmer and wayne gay have plenty of experience at mismanaging a large budget. they and their top heavy brass were paid very well and the avrg deputy and detention officer was lucky if they didnt need food stamps. not to count the sheriffs entourage fatcatting around while most of the time out of 163 WCSO employees only three deputies put their lives on the line on night duty for the whole county. speaking of 163 employees the county of wilson has only grown about 25 percent during Gays reign, the WCSO has grown about 400 percent. who is such a wise manger of the budget. Farmers campaign office is in the high dollar rent section of town.Farmer hires people to put up his signs. calvin personally and a group of volunteers put up his signs , even though he works as a special agent full time with the sbi. Farmer is retired now and has the time to do anything he likes. im sure he wouldnt want to get his hands dirty . Calvin moved his headquarters to save 1000 dollars a month, even though finaces for his campaign are not an issue, to manage campaign contributions in a fiscally sound way. Woodard IMHO would definately be a better steward of the taxpayers money and put the money where it would do the most good . on the road deputies and reaarange staff for maximum efficiency instead of a bunch of top heavy officers riding around during the day and leaving three deputies in most cases to cover the whole county at night. Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 7:45 AM

methinks said... HELLO!! I don't believe I said anything about when Farmer could retire. I don't know when he was eligible to retire. I said he could not have run for office while employed. And just because he was eligible to retire doesn't mean he could have. For those of you that haven't retired yet, retirement is a pay cut. I know for a fact since my hubby, bless his heart, is a retired local government employee. We had to rework our budget when he retired cause it was such a pay cut. if you can afford to retire as soon as you are eligible, then good for you. But for most folks it depends on the money. Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 12:07 AM

To "No doubt" said... I definitely disagree that Calvin is qualified. He has a bunch of certificates from completion of workshops and classes. He has no experience with supervision of multiple employees or managing a large budget. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 11:34 PM

wake up methinks said... Farmer was able to retire October 08. He chose to stay and now that Gay lost, he followed the game play and retired and ran on the winners platform. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 10:43 PM

"Ten years ago we talked about it, and he said he was going to run for sheriff if Sheriff Gay ever steps down," said... the people of wilson county finally had the good sense to to send wayne gay opacking when he finally had a qualified democrat run against him in a democratic majority county where a republican has virtually no chance . what he and wayne was hoping for was wayne to win unooposed again and resign during his term and let Gay pick his annoited successor that the go along democratic coubnty commissioners would have approveded and he would have just fell into place and the good ole boy network continued. Calvin threw a wrench in that plan. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 7:59 PM

methinks said... I wish you folks would learn a few things before you start spouting off at the mouth. Calvin Woodard nor John Farmer could run for Sheriff while employed as a Deputy, no matter the rank. WDT can verify this if you need someone to provide you with the evidence of that regulation. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 2:46 PM

no doubt said... Calvin is definately qualified, I dont think anyone would disagree. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 11:26 AM

He was never in danger of getting fired said... He would have been when he announced he was running for Sheriff. So let's see... Woodard works with the sheriff's department. Woodard does an outstanding job as a deputy and an investigator. The Sheriff thinks Woodard does such an outstanding job that he recommends him to the SBI. Sounds like the Sheriff thinks Woodard is an excellent example of a law enforcement officer himself. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 10:27 AM

Cheap shot said... Ya'll can fall victim of the lies told but Gay did not recommend Calvin to the SBI. Calvin didn't even make them aware of the SBI until after he was processed and hired. That's the lie they started to make it look like Calvin owed them something. But even if they had recommended him to the SBI, then that shows ya'll that he is more qualified than they want to admit. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 10:11 AM

to hey me thinks said... No calvin didnt leave so he wouldnt get fired. He left because Gay reccomended him for his position at the SBI. Get it right. He was never in danger of being fired. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 7:14 AM

Please Stop said... I thought only politicians put out a 100 day plan? Don't politicians steal others ideas and try to "tweek" them to make themselves look like the better canidate? Do politicians charge $50.00 a plate for a fundraiser so that dedicated supporters will show up and at $50.00 a plate the camp finance report will show your contribution? In my opinion, Gay, Farmer, and Wilson can and have retired so let someone else give it a try. If we dont like him then in 4 years we will fix the problem. Folks are actually getting involved for both sides and are not being intimidated or sitting back quiet. Stand up for what you believe is right. Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 10:19 PM

Smith said he's happy Farmer is running for sheriff said... i bet he is. smith thinks wayne gay is the best sheriff in the country. LOL what koolaide has he been drinking or what has he been smokin ? Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 8:12 PM

Please stop said... stealing my Calvin Woodard sign on Wiggins Mill Rd. Who knows what a trail camera may catch u doing. I have the right to show support for who I please. I know who you are and next time there will be proof. Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 6:00 PM

Hey methinks said... You are exactly right. You do what your boss tells you to do or you stand up for what is right. Farmer could have retired a couple of years ago without the fear of being fired and ran for office if he thought things needed to be changed so much. Farmer would have been retired and wouldn't have to worry about getting fired. However, it takes a leader to stand up when he thinks he has to and face what he thinks is wrong. Woodard did what he felt he had to do to run for office regardless of what Wayne Gay thought. He left the sheriff's department so Gay couldn't fire him when he ran. Woodard is a leader while Farmer is just a follower. Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 5:44 PM

Cracks said... He said he took the idea to the Sheriff in 2003 and he told him that did not fit in traditional law enforcement at this time. Not his decision to make at that time so please get your quotes right and listen.
Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 3:20 PM

methinks said... oh will you stop already!!! This harping on John Farmer not doing this or not doing that while he was a Major under Wayne Gay shows how little you actually think. Can you honestly tell me that you are not TOLD what to do by your boss? That you are able to correct your boss without retribution? That you will not be fired for doing things different than you boss tells you? Then please tell me where you work because that sounds like a job in heaven. John Farmer was an EMPLOYEE under Wayne Gay. And with the employees of the Sheriff's department being appointed, not hired or under contract, then what could he do?? Ask any Deputy, included Calvin Woodard, what that means. Everyone that I know that works does what they are told to do by their boss, they don't question their boss, and they sure don't go out and do things that their boss doesn't tell them to do. Most actually go to work, do their job, and keep their head down. It's called responsibility, its called earning a paycheck to take care of your family, its called DOING YOUR JOB. So stop with the "why didn't he do something while being a major under Wayne Gay" and find something else to harp on. But please think before you do or you are going to appear thoughtless again.
Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 2:43 PM

To Very Excited said... His plan does sound good. Most of it was said by Calvin Woodard the first go round. Calvin Woodard's slogan has been "giving the county back to the people" since the start. John Farmer's was "I just need to tweek things a little bit" and "I will run this county as John Farmer sees fit". He admits himself that there are only 3 deputies working sometimes at night. Why Didn't he do something about this before? Those are the guys that are putting their life on the line every night so we can sleep, and he has been part of an administration that has overlooked them for the last 12 years. No wonder alot of the negative comments up here sound like they are from the deputies. I could not have any respect for a man that has stood by and took the chance that a deputy be killed in the line of duty just because he respected his boss more than he respected their lives. If I were any of the family or friends of the deputies that work at this department, then I would take that as a slap in the face. He has pretty much told all of you that he loved Wayne Gay so much that he refused to stand up against him when he saw that your loved ones lives were in jeopardy and would not have stood up against him this time if Gay would have won. Tells me what type of man Mr. Farmer is. Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 2:21 PM

Fell through the cracks... said... You talk about what you are going to do, but what have you done? IN a recent radio interview you said that the deputies salaries are in the bottom 2/3 of the state. You said that at times there are only three deputies on the road. You said that regarding gangs, Wilson is where Durham was 8-10 years ago, but the program that you wanted to start to assist in gang activity "fell through the cracks" (direct quote from Farmer on a recent radio interview)? What you have not done speaks volumes to me. How could you let a program "slip through the cracks", that could potentially save lives? The administration that you were a part of did nothing to address the growing gang problem and you say Wilson is now where Durham was 8-10 years ago? Keeping our communities safe should be your number one priority, but under your watch, you just seemed to let things fall through the cracks. This is not the leadership that we need. I want to know that our sheriff and his administration is doing everything in their power to keep my kids safe. Farmer did very little in 12 years to assure us of that. Why should we believe him now? Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 11:48 AM

very excited about your plan... said... sounds like you are heading in the right direction-putting the Sheriffs department in front of citizens, out in the public,to help Wilson feel safer... I am all for that!! Everything listed sounds like a great plan. Hey Calvin supporters-you can stop slandering the opponent at any time. Seriously, it makes Calvin look bad to have so many posts that do nothing but bring someone else down for no real reason. On second thought, keep it going-it shows his true colors! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 9:43 PM

Farmer told the group he has a first 100-day plan for when he is elected designed to let citizens know they are getting the best public safety services available. said... but they were not when gay was sheriff and farmer was his number two man and really ran the dept as waynes extracurricular business activities limited his time that he had to be involved with the sheriffs office. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 3:35 PM

wonder how much the rent is said... on the high dollar campaign headquarters of mr Farmer. oris it being donated by some wealthy potential benefactor? Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 3:32 PM

Farmers campaign office is in the high rent district said... Calvin is trying to save money and mange his contributors money wisely. he is in the old creekside firearms building across from wilson woods. i think we can see clearly who already would manage the budget the best as far as the taxpayers are concerned. but then we should already know that by wayne gay and now his number 2 crony. calvins volunteers and calvin put out his signs. farmer has paid workers doin his. the big money special interest will make sure he has money to burn to try and buy this election. If wayne Gay couldnt buy it again , i kinda doubt Mr farmer can.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 3:08 PM

thats exactly like wayne gay ran it. said... "I want people to know that John Farmer will run the sheriff's office the way HE sees fit / like the WCSO and this county belong to him personally. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 3:04 PM

Sounds Familiar said...Your ideas sound alot like ive heard from Calvin Woodard. This is typical politics. I dont see how you say that you are not a politician. I didn't get hit by you smoke screen and I have made my final decision. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 12:04 PM

Reckless leadership said... This is nothing more than political propaganda. If you really wanted to do all of these things you should have been brave enough to stand up and run against your boss. What you are esentially saying is that there are many things at the sheriff's office that need fixing. My goodness, you said this morning on an inteview that at times there are only 3 deputies patrolling the county at night. What does that say about the Gay administration (that you were part of for 12 years)? What does that say about your ability or lack thereof to lead a department (as the #2 man in charge)? Shame on both of you for jepordizing the lives of our wonderful deputies by not reorganizing the department before now and getting more help for them. If this is the experience that you speak of, then I would hope for us all that Woodard wins this in November. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 12:00 PM

TOO LITTLE TOO LATE!! said... So why did you not try to implement this before now? You were the number 2 man at the sheriff's office. You had your chance and could not produce. You said yourself on a radio this morning that if Gay had won you would not have retired. Would have been business as usual. Time to give someone else a chance. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 10:44 AM

Heard you on the radio said... I listened with open ears this morning as you campaigned on the radio. It puzzles me why you haven't done something earlier. You said you were the major of this department and with the administration for 12 years. If you saw these problems developing over the years, why didn't you do something about it? Does Sheriff Gay have no faith in your ideas? Does he think your ideas are of poor quality? If he thought so much of you, then why didn't he listen to your ideas? You say that there are only 5 deputies working this county at night. Why haven't you beefed up those numbers before now. My God, you were the second man in charge. You were in charge of the logistics of your department. You helped with the budget of your department. If it has all gone downhill in the past several years then you are part of the reason that it has. You talk big and make big promises but I question where these ideas were for the last several years and if you had them, why they were not acted upon before now. If you presented them to the Sheriff, and he did not approve of them, then you are either calling him stupid or he is calling you stupid. Which way is it? Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 9:34 AM

Local Yokel said... He may not know anything about politics, but he can refer to himself in the third person. So he is well on his way. Wednesday, September 08, 2010 at 6:18 AM