Friday, September 17, 2010

COMMENTS - Debate a Hot Ticket

Here's what folks are saying about the Wilson Times article " Debate a hot ticket."


Not really change said... Everyone knows that Farmer has been gone from the department all summer and so has the sheriff. It appears to be operating without them. They want you to believe that Woodard will come in and get rid of everybody when that's really not the case. Will he make changes? Anybody would. You weed out the slackers, the crooked, the lazy, the liers, etc. Some people trying to slander Woodard's name keep saying he can't do this and he can't do that. There are people at that department that can. I'm pretty sure that each of these people will become a vital part of the organization and will work side by side to make sure that the citizens of Wilson County get the best service available. For Farmer and Gay to say they did it all is an insult to all the other people that have dedicated their lives to that department. The major difference here is that Woodard is out here running for all the people of this county, while the other is been out for himself. Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 8:22 AM

Calvin is a fair man said... i dont think other than the Gay top brass , that many sheriffs office employees who do a good job and are honest and have integrity have anything to worry about with their job security with Calvin. just as with any new administration he will weed out special interest and replace the senior officers with people who are loyal to him and are dedicated to turning the sheriffs office around and making it open, fair and honest to all the citizens of wilson county. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 11:37 PM

change said... Change could be a disorganized,inexperienced, mismanaged,out of control wcso which would provide a lack of security and protection to the residents of this county. That wouldn't be all bad I guess because it takes a lot for some people to learn. But it bothers me becauce I live in the county beyond city police jurisdiction. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 9:18 PM

just sayin said... in this case change is for the better. no change is more of the same political patronizing, special interest good ole boy network where the top brass amke the big money and the detention officers and deputies have to get food stamp supplements if their spouses dont have a good job. JUST SAYIN
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 4:13 PM

Tired of hearing about Obama said... This is not the presidential race. Woodard is not Obama. Obama has made mistakes and will continue to. He's got to make up for all the mistakes and errors created over the last 8 years by the Bush administration. This wouldn't have been easy for anyone that took that office. Do I like Obama? NO!!! Did I vote for Obama? NO!!! But a whole lot of people, from all different races, did, and now he is our president. If McCane would have got it we would be in worst shape than we are now. He'd still be throwing billions of dollars in missles in the air everyday. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 3:14 PM

Just sayin' said... Be careful what you wish might get it. Look at what happened with Obama and people who wanted "change." This election race seems to be about the same thing. Voting for "change" doesn't mean that you're voting for the best candidate. Remember..."change" can be for the better, or it can be for the worse. Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 1:02 PM

huh? said... Spliting the tickets wouldn't be an objective way at all. I think the Wilson Times did the right thing by distributing tickets all over so people in ALL areas had a chance to get them. This debate is intended to help those who haven't made up their minds about who to support for sheriff. If you have already made up your mind about who you are voting for then you really don't need to be at this debate. Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 9:08 AM

I have thought about it!! said... THINK ABOUT IT....You are 100% right. When you vote Farmer you are right back where you started. If this debate thing was 100% fair the tickets would have been split down the middle and gave to each campaign. That way you could stop some of the crooked people out collecting tickets they wont going to use for themselves. I think all them tickets need to be split if not in the middle 1/3. Each campaign gets 1/3 and they let the other 1/3 go to the area business to be gave out. Somethings NEVER change. Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 9:38 PM

question said... To THINK ABOUT IT: are you absolutely sure that Farmer will keep the same people? Are you absolutely sure that Woodard will change them all? The voters voted for change in the last presidential election and voted for someone with less experience. Are you satisfied with that result? Before predicting what you assume to be what they might do, lets wait for the debates and the discussions and base the decisions on what we learn from them. Just saying.......your crystal ball might be wrong. Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 9:12 AM

Think about it said... Think about it...Does the Sheriff make this county or the Deputies? Per W. Gay, I made Calvin who he is. Think about it...everyone wanted Gay out and that was sucessful but now with Farmer you get Gay back. Think about it...Calvin left and has NEVER had a DWI! Think about it...Farmer will keep the same administration so what changes is he really going to make? Think about it...Do you want a POSITIVE change? Think about all of this and more. If you wanted Gay out so bad then why are you putting him back in by voting Farmer? Talk to a deputy even though they can not tell you who they are voting for but you can read these comments and pretty much tell. As for being on the inside, most are for Woodard for several reasons. You really need to figure this out. It's Vote Gay "again" or Calvin who won the first time! Think about it??? Friday, September 10, 2010 at 11:36 PM

KH said... TO WHAT GIVES: I wasn't complaining about not getting a ticket, all I said was I was disappointed, but my philosophy is: if it's meant to be it will be. I think it is great that so many people want to see this debate and I certainly do hope that there are other opportunities like this. It also shows that people want to be informed but many times there are few, if any opportunities to get candidates together. Since the City Council building is set up for televising (at taxpayers expense)and the County Commissioners building is able to record, then those places ought to at least offer the opportunity for another debate or town hall meeting. Just a suggestion but there is still plenty of time before the election to do it. JMO Friday, September 10, 2010 at 4:12 PM

what gives? said... Will you guys stop complaining that you didn't get a ticket? You should have sent someone to get them for you if you couldn't get them yourself. Plus, I find it very odd that so many people are interested in this sheriff's race. When it's time to elect a new mayor or a member of the school board there is zero interest. Why so much interest in this race? Some of you are never satisfied. You wanted a debate: you got one. Now you didn't get a ticket and you're complaining. What gives? Friday, September 10, 2010 at 1:54 PM

To 'not able to see it' said... great idea!! maybe the WDT will line up a few more debates so everyone can see it. Seeing how fast the tickets went yesterday maybe it IS a good idea to charge a few dollars per ticket. At least that way those of us who were working during normal business hours while the tickets were being passed out will stand a chance in being able to purchase one. Those who were not working yesterday were able to get in line early. If there is a small charge then I think the tickets will last a little longer since its not the same as 'giving out freebies' Friday, September 10, 2010 at 1:08 PM

not able to see it said... I didn't get a ticket and even if the Greenlight or TWC air it on the Community channel I still won't be able to see it cause I have satellite. If only Calvin had stuck to his agreement to have the first debate at least two chances of seeing a debate. WDT could you try to get more debates lined up??
Friday, September 10, 2010 at 10:15 AM

KH said... It goes to show that the public is wanting to be informed and get information but is not given that much opportunity to get it. I thank the Wilson Times for sponsoring this event and I also hope that a television station will pick it up. I was one of the disappointed citizens who tried three different locations only to be told the tickets were gone. I hope there are many more opportunities for forums, town hall meetings and debates. JMO Friday, September 10, 2010 at 8:57 AM

Time for a change said... Thanks WDT, Wilson has been needing a change for so many years and hopefully we will finally get that change. I am excited about the debate. Friday, September 10, 2010 at 5:54 AM