Friday, September 17, 2010

No Debate Tickets Left

No debate tickets left

Tickets went quickly this morning for the debate between sheriff's candidates Calvin Woodard and John Farmer.Before 11 a.m., all tickets had been picked up at various businesses throughout the county. Melvin Anderson was one of the first to get tickets at The Wilson Times Thursday morning. Anderson said this would be the first debate he's attended, and he curious to see what it's going to be like. He said he's undecided on which candidate to vote for and is waiting to hear from both of them at the debate.

Anthony Ward, who was also at the Times' office soon after 8 a.m., said change is good. "Wilson County needs a change," he said, adding he thinks the debate will be good for the county.

The Wilson Times gave out its tickets in just 70 minutes. The story was the same at other sites throughout the county as citizens picked up tickets as soon as businesses opened. Business owners reported lines outside the door when they got to work today. "Based on the interest, phone call volume and comments we have received since Tuesday when the debate was announced, we are expecting to run out of tickets pretty quickly," Wilson Times Editor Jon Jimison said Wednesday afternoon.

The debate, which is being sponsored by The Wilson Times, is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 12, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Fike High School. "The venue will hold 900 people," Jimison said. "We are anticipating demand for the tickets will be greater than what we will be able to accommodate." Only people with tickets will be admitted to the debate, and there are no more available. Tickets were given out on a first-come, first-serve basis, he said. "We are looking forward to hosting this event," Jimison said. "It should be really informative to the citizens of Wilson."

The event will also be videotaped and available for viewers at

* Article written by Wilson Times staff writer Janet Conner Knox. Click here to follow the comments.