Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wilson Co Democratic Party Precinct Meeting

First of all, Do you vote? And if you vote, are you registered as a Democrat? Are you interested in shaping the future of the Wilson Democratic party?

Would you like to make a difference locally when it comes to the affairs of the Democratic party? If not, you ought to be. We’re not just talking smack. Here’s why.

With all the “community commotion” regarding the local democratic party, citizens should be tired of the disrespect and deliberate disregard of the voices of registered democrats in Wilson NC.

If you vote a democratic ticket when you go to the polls, you should be ready and willing to send our local democratic party officials a resounding message “Business as usual is no longer accepted.”

Out of 24 precincts in Wilson county . . . ONLY SIX - COUNT EM’ 1,2,3,4,5,6, precincts are considered ‘organized’ precincts.

REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU VOTE ... American Legion, Reid Street, Elvie St., Toisnot Middle, The Public Library, Wilson Rec, Whitfield Homes...

There’s a meeting coming up Monday, September 27th at Darden Alumni Center at 6:30 pm.   YOU need to be present and accounted for. The purpose of the meeting is to organize as many precincts in the county as possible. We’re asking you to come and to bring one more person with you so we can fulfill this requirement, become an organized precinct and make a significant difference in how our votes, our views and our voices are heard from this side of town.