Saturday, September 25, 2010

Souls To The Polls

Souls to the Polls is an initiative to educate the faith-based community and religious organizations about what they can do to encourage their members to vote.
If you’re a church or organization with a tax exempt status this meeting is especially designed for you. Election related activities are permitted without endangering your tax exempt status.

A representative from Democracy North Carolina based in Durham, will be addressing your questions and concerns. During this session you will learn the allowable activities.

The meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 4th and hosted by Pastor Victor Baines of Bread of Life Church located at 910 Granger St. across from Burger Boy. It will begin at 6:30pm.

If you represent a faith-based organization and you would like to learn more about non-partisan activities please make plans to join us or send a member from your congregation. Become a part of non-profit coalitions from Charlotte to Greenville and points in between helping to educate voters and helping to make a difference in this important mid-term election.

Now is not the time for good stewards to get sloughful and not exercise their right to vote and actively participate in the process that our forefathers, ancestors and civic leaders fought so hard for us to achieve. We can only keep hope alive if we participate in the process. Even Adam and Eve had their assignments while on earth or did you forget?

Please Note: As individuals, pastors and other religious leaders have a First Amendment right to back specific candidates, but they must never endorse a candidate in their official capacity as a church leader. They should be especially cautious if they are well known and their endorsement could be viewed by the public as an endorsement by their church or their nonprofit organization. In no case may a church leader promote a candidate or political party from the pulpit or in any church materials, nor may they use any church resources including buses or vans to benefit a specific candidate.

Resource: Democracy North Carolina
* Photo courtesy of Democracy NC via Bill Winston Ministries