Saturday, September 25, 2010

Gwen Wilkins, NC State Democratic Party First Congressional Chair

When challenged to do the right thing at the right time for the right reason when it’s needed, we all hope we have the courage to rise to the occasion. Initiating that courage into an action plan is where most forego the courage thing and wait on somebody else to get it done. “And that’s the way it is” quoting Walter Cronkite is what my Dad would say to me.

However, this time around Wilsonians were blessed not lucky (I don’t do the luck thing. The Devil’s lucky the Lord hasn’t come back to earth yet) to have found a friend and a champion in Gwen Wilkins.

By bringing back to the people a sense of integrity, transparency and accountability that was needed, required and longed for by this community and the citizens who believe such things still matter, we say THANK YOU!

Your gesture to openly acknowledge and support the Democratic nominee for Sheriff of this county when the local party wouldn’t , couldn’t and didn’t speaks volumes about your character and the countenance of your spirit as a goodwill ambassador for the community and the democratic party.

Thank you again for your determination to do the right thing for the right reason at the right time.

And on behalf of all Wilsonians who believe these words to be true and would say thank you personally if they could … We appreciate you and what you did.

Zette McArn